pistol shrimp


i just bought a pistol shrimp at my lfs and i did not buy a gobie because i was informed that it was one of the few pistol shrimps that does not go with a gobie, one of the few solo ones in other words. it made a little cave in the worst possable viewing spot. so my first queston is will it ever move and make new caves in other parts of the tank. also i havent seen him in about 2 days. is he just working on his home or is something else going on. all my water is good as far as quality. also my tank is pretty well lit, is this a problem. will this make the shrimp verry unhapy. thats about it except i plan to feed it silver sides, can i give him it with the bone and everythimg or do i halft to strip it from the bone. thanx in advance for all replys
Our pistol shrimp (a japanese) luckily chose to burrow under a rock right at the front of our tank so we get to see her all the time. There have been a few days every once in a while where she'll close up the entrances and stay under the rock but for the most part she's in and out fairly frequently.

You might try placing some pellets or whatever other food youve chosen to use right outside it's entrance and see if it entices it out. I believe pistol shrimps (or atleast the ones that pair up) are blind so idk that the amt of lighting would really have an effect on it.

Hope this helps!
What kind of pistol shrimp is it? Most will pair you just need to pair it with the right fish. as mentioned pistols are blind and normally rely on a goby to help it out.

I have kept several different species for years and they tend to move around often, sometimes in front and sometimes in back. I find if you feed them most often where you want them they tend to stay there longer.
my pistol ate basically everything and was out a lot... he was really loud and clicked a LOT but he recently died... i dont know why, he just hid a lot for a couple days and then i saw him dead one day..
I'm not all that knowledgeable about pistol shrimps but i've been told that they are typically able to pair up with the RIGHT fish. They seem to be blind and my 2 (Smith & Wesson... lol) eat just about anything... they click.. .VERY LOUDLY... i always think my glass is breaking and its jsut them... they tend to move around also... I had caught oen of them when i started to setup my hatching tank but he got moved back in accidentally... mine came in my rocks D: lol.

I also had the guy in the photo (winchester... lol yes, a themes going on there xD) but my lion fish ate him :(


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I have a randall's pistol shrimp in my 8 gallon bio cube and before i got my yasha goby i would only see him maybe once a week. After getting him a partner though i seem him very often, usually once a day sometimes more. Pistol shimp are generally blind so they rely on the gobies to watch for predators while they burrow, and grab bits of food for them selves. I wouldn't be concerned with him just yet, especially if your water quatlity is good. Just give him some time, I'd because he hasn't been in there long that he's just working on his burrow.
what kind of goby would you suggest getting for my pistols? from what i've seen of them I believe they are tiger pistol shrimp, they display very close markings to the ones shown in my books and online..
I always see people wanting to get rid of these guys, yet you are all wanting them in your tank. So what's the deal?
Well the reason I wanted a yasha goby as a partner for my pistol was because they usually don't surpass 2 inches, and their markings are quite handsome. I didn't want to get one that was too large due to my tank size and the size of my shrimp. In my opinion, find a shrimp goby that you like and as long as he doesn't get large enough to bother your fish i say go for it. My favorit shrimp gobies are the yasha goby, yellow watchman, and the black-ray goby (stonogobiops nematodes).
well mini, i was trying to get rid of mine (and winchester was eaten by my lion one night... strange lol) and found out after moving that i had 2 more. I can't find their caves for the LIFE of me, and they don't come out for feeding either... so i think they are munching on some bristles or something (which is fine by me lol) so i was trying to lure them out using a goby :)
what kind of goby would you suggest getting for my pistols? from what i've seen of them I believe they are tiger pistol shrimp, they display very close markings to the ones shown in my books and online..

Tiger pistols should pair with randalli, yasha, rose or threadfin gobies. Maby a yellow watchman.
and are they compatable with say oh, i don't know... a mandrin goby? (the other gobies that is) I don't wanna upset my scooter
and are they compatable with say oh, i don't know... a mandrin goby? (the other gobies that is) I don't wanna upset my scooter

The majority of shrimp gobies shouldn't bother your scooter. The mandarin goby isn't a shrip goby though, and wont pair off with your shrimp.
great topic! I love these pairs, I had a yasha with a tiger pistol in my 3g, then later moved them to the big tank. LOTS of clicking and making new tunnels. I don't know about any special pistol that doesnt pair w/ a goby, that's news to me.
I had "yasha" a yasha goby that was paired with my candy striped pistol, my yasha died after 4+ years and I had to replace him :( I replaced him with "Rose" a rose thread fin goby and they paired right up...