Algae On Sand and Rocks

Eric Noa

Reefing newb
Hello guys,

Over the past two days I've been getting this weird algae on the sand and the rocks. How can I stop it from growing and is it bad...


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it looks loks like diatoms just let it run its course and it will go away. it is just one of those things that happen with all new tanks
Diatoms are unavoidable in a new tank. You will probably get several "outbreaks". As your tank matures, the outbreaks will become less severe and less frequent, til they go away altogether. It won't hurt anything, it just looks ugly.

If you are using tap water or play sand, your algae problems may be worse than normal because diatoms use silica to build their skeletons.
Thanks guys and Biff Im using RO water not tap water... I guess I should keep doing the weakly water changes and see if it goes away... Im changing 14 gallons a week... is that too much?
14 gallons a week is just fine. It's good that you're not using tap water. The problem will go away much faster if you are using good water.