My New Ricordia


Reef enthusiast
Went to the fish store yesterday. Bought this Ricordia. I have him on the sand. Is that a good place for him ?


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Here's some info...

Care And Placement For Ricordeas
Ricordeas Are an extremely hardy soft coral found in the Florida waters off the coast of Florida. They are typically found at depths of up to 50 feet in slightly higher nutrient waters than that of an Acropora dominate reef. In the aquarium, ricordeas thrive in less light intense conditions with slightly nutrient rich water. VHO and power compact lighting provide perfect lighting. Metal halides can also be used to light ricordeas if they are kept under overhangs and at the bottom of the tank. Ricordeas also like lower water flow, where they can strech out thier tentacles and feed off zooplankton slowly drifting by. Running heavy protien skimming, carbon, phosphate absorbing material and heavy macro-algae, can strip the water of nutrients. Periodic feeding of meaty foods will be appreciated under these conditions where acropora dominant tanks are kept along with ricordeas
They are very versatile corals. I just wish they didn't grow so damn slow!

At this rate, I'll be fragging and making money off of my ric tank in about....oh 6 years!!
Very nice looking. I've got one of mine in the sand and one about halfway up on a rock ledge. They are both doing well and I hope yours does also. Good luck with it.
I agree about them growing slowly, Biff. We must not have "green" thumbs. The oldest one I have started out about the size of a nickel two years ago and now it is finally about the size of a quarter. Still only has one mouth. I wish I knew the secret to getting them to grow and split. :(
My orange Ricordea is actually growing pretty well. I've had it for almost 3 months now. It was about the size of a nickle with 1 mouth when I first got it. Now it's the size of a quarter (give or take) and has 2 mouths and appears to be forming a 3rd. That is the one I keep on the sandbed. I don't do anything special for it. Just let it be as it is. Guess I'm having some good luck with it. :twocents::bounce: