Lemonpeel Angelfish nipping Clowns


Reefing newb
I have a Lemonpeel angelfish with 2 clowns and I was told they can co-habitate....However, it seems as if every time i'm around my tank the Angel keeps nipping at one of the clowns...Is this friendly or is the Lemonpeel able to hurt them?

55 gal.


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dwarf angels can be aggressive, however clowns can be pretty territorial also, so i wouldnt think that he is doing any damage, just trying to be dominant and territorial

how long ago have you added the fish, and in what order??

also, just keep an eye on the fish and see if any real damage is getting done, if so, try rearranging the rocks around to give them a chance to set up territories away from eachother
The 2 clowns were the first fish in the tank....Lemonpeel angel was added Last. I'll try re-arranging some rocks and see if that helps at all, but the angel usually swims around the entire tank while the two clowns hangout in the same spot.
another thing you could do is isolate the lemonpeel for a little while in a quarantine tank and let the clowns get some time to set up a territory.. if nothing helps you might have to pick one of the fish to keep and one to take back
IME any fish that is yellow has an attitude. I do agree with moving some rock around and maybe even cut off the lights during times of aggression.