anemone help


Reefing newb
i have to 10 gallon tanks setup side by size 1s a hex and thew other is a long i have 3 29 watt t5s over them 2 are 10000k and 1 is the blue light can i grow anemone in the hex
Your lighting is good enough for an anemone. How long has the tank been set up? Anemones do much better in tanks that have been set up for a while and are established.
Well, an anenome isn't what you want to start out with - especially in a 10g tank.

Personally, I wouldn't have an anenome - if it decides to go walking around in your tank - you can pretty much kiss the rest of your corals goodbye. It'll sting and kill everything it touches.

3 months? Get a couple mushrooms.
Frilly Mushrooms will usually do the trick.


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Clown fish will host a powerhead or a plastic bowl. They are NOT smart. And believe me when I tell you - you're MUCH safer with a plastic bowl or a mushroom in your tank than an anenome.
I gotta agree with the above posts.
Anemones are awesome animals.But there will never be another one in my reef.