New Coral


Reef enthusiast
Went to the LFS and bought this today. Metallic Goniopora ? It's very pretty. He said some can keep them and some can't. So, I'll give it a try. I have it about 2 inches above the sand on a rock. Medium flow.


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Yea, I didn't know I was suppose to feed it till I was paying for it. But, it was already in the bag and rang up. He said feed it twice a week. I'm thinking McDonald's....
Shrimp or something like that. Mysis or Brine whichever you can get that is more healthy. I think I use Mysis for my sun corals. I feed two to three times a week. Also, watch your dkh, That is the number one thing that hurts mine.
What should the dkh read ? I have both Mysis and Brine. I switch every other day. I need to make a list and see which of my corals need fed.
Just keep it at your normal settings. I just let my dkh fluctuate too much once. I cant remember if it bottomed out or spiked on me. But as soon as I got it stable it was fine again and is better than ever.
Gonis are some of the most difficult corals to keep alive. Most do not survive more than a few months, but some people seem to be able to keep them with no problems whatsoever. Good luck with yours -- its color sure is unique.
OK, I give !!! How do you feed the darn thing ? I shot some mysis shrimp at each one, they didn't close over it. I shot it inside between the stems, my Tang went after it. So, how exactly do you feed them ?
Congrats on the new addition...although you may be tired of hearing this, but good luck with it...the damn thing giving you problems already by not accepting food...what you can try doing is placing a half cut 2L bottle over it and squirting the food into the cap hole, that way it isn't disturbed, the food won't float away, and it is guaranteed to get something.
Sunshine I have one almost just like yours and I have tried over and over to get it to feed. I've done the same thing you described and not a single 'flower' took any food what so ever. I do not know what the trick is, but hope someone chimes in with a solution.
I got a bleached goni from my LFS a few years ago. It was completely white, and I figured I'd try bringing it back to life with some TLC. Like Smitty said, the best way to feed them is to cut the bottom off of a soda bottle, then put the bottle over the coral so it won't be disturbed by other animals. Then use a turkey baster to shoot some food into the bottle. My goni always ate... But some corals do, some corals don't, it seems.
It is a pretty coral. I do have the soda bottle. Hope he eats. Would hate to loose him. But, I didn't know it was a difficult coral.
Not to ruin the good mood but as far as my studies have done it is IMPOSSABLE to keep any flower pot of any type for a long time. The queston is how long can u get it to live. I hurd someone got them to live up to allmost a year and a half. Inless im wrong