Tanked's 125 build thread

The unclear kind. :) I went to all 3 hardware stores in this town to find it... First two only carried the type 2. 3rd didn't have clear, only white. And that was after discovering that the dude cut my glass a quarter inch too big and having to go get new glass. Oh and the two unions I got for drain and return bulkheads won't fit that close together, so I have to get different adapters...

At least it will be under the main tank!

And thanks for fixing the link rc
Haha... Thanks david, but I really thing a one handed monkey would do better than I did. The guy on youtube made it look so effortless!!
Show us a picture of your tank sitting on top of the stand. Need to see the sump too.

I can help you figure out how to plumb it. But need a picture of the 2 tanks and need to know where the drains are located.
ooookay, here's some pics. First we have one of the tank and sump... and my cat. He's not all that happy that I've been messing with tank stuff all week. :mrgreen:


And here we have a pic of the so-far successful leak test in the sump. my caulking job is ugly, but so far it holds water.


and finally, just so you can see what i was thinking and approve/disapprove/advise, here's my plumbing diagram thing for the sump. Although I did change it, as suggested, so the fuge is on the end instead of the middle... sorry it's not a pretty computer-generated picture, but if you think my caulking is ugly, wait'll you see computer graphics by me...


so, I'm going to let the sump sit there and hopefully continue not to leak for a day. Then it's going into the stand after work tomorrow and hopefully I can get the plumbing started.Comments? Suggestions?
The left side is the fuge. She doesn't need a triple baffle there. Only need the triple baffle on the right side where the skimmer is located.

How's this for a rough drawing?


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Don't forget:
Big box pricing on PVC fittings is twice the cost of ordering it from FlexPVC.

The only thing I bought at the big box was the 10' pieces of pipe and the glue/primer. The 10' pieces are too expensive to ship via UPS and the glue is hazardous so they won't ship it via air mail service. If you order glue, you have to ship ground and wait a week.
Your sump will be awesome. I think you'll find it works very well. My sump for my 45 is exactly like that. No problems w/ bubbles either. The triple baffle takes care of it. Do you have teeth from the fuge to the intake? How are you controlling the flow into your fuge? Ball valve on the T above the return section? My 45 only has 1 overflow from the overflow box, and I split it between the intake area and the fuge area, controlling the fuge area flow w/ a ball valve.

Your tank also looks exactly like my 125 w/ the dual overflows in the back...except yours is clean LOL Can't wait to see your final setup!
She doesn't need a triple baffle there. Only need the triple baffle on the right side where the skimmer is located.

sure about that? i mean we'll see, but i'm wondering how many bubles will make it from the fuge into the return area, and i'm also wondering about the water leaving the fuge and entering the return section stirring up some bubbles....

only one way to find out tho... mix up some salt water and give it a whirl...
RC's right, though. Mine only has a triple baffle in the skimmer area. No microbubble problems for me. The fuge area is just a single baffle w/ teeth on the top, and since the water flow is so slow, I have no microbubbles there either.
Yep rc that's a good drawing :) except the return will go to both ends of the tank, and I decided to put the pump inside the return section.

Wonton, thanks for pointing out the fuge flow control-- I'll have to go get another ball valve cuz I hadn't thought of it. I don't have teeth on the fuge baffle... I used glass dividers, so is there a way to glue some teeth on there or somethin?

Oh, and I think our tanks are the same, except yours is awesomely plumbed and mine... Well I'm just not that experienced yet :D
sure about that? i mean we'll see, but i'm wondering how many bubles will make it from the fuge into the return area, and i'm also wondering about the water leaving the fuge and entering the return section stirring up some bubbles....

only one way to find out tho... mix up some salt water and give it a whirl...

Yeah, mines working fine with a single baffle on the fuge. I get a couple really small bubbles in the sump as the water comes over the baffle and drops into the sump, but it's no biggie. The return pump hasn't sucked any of them up yet. They just go back up to the top and pop.

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