Project5k and the new 75Gal salt tank

Boy I can't make heads nor tails out of those pictures. Sorry. Are you sure they are not mini sea fans? Do they retract when you touch them?
i havent tried to touch them yet, i just noticed them, but they are apparently softish cause they flow back and forth in the currents, but thier small, i mean really small, that entire colony of whatever they are is about the size of a nickel.

i may try and poke one of them with my tongs real gently and see if it reacts tonight...
oh and i forgot to mention earlier that by the time i got home last night it was like 830, so by the time i did my water change, and fixed a computer i had on the workbench, i didnt have time to go out to the shop and look at the sump and poke at the silicone to see if it was good and cured yet or not...

but, by the time i get home tonight, it will have been over 48 hours, so that stuff should be fully cured, so i can fill it up and try it out and see what happens...

how long do you think i should let it sit full before i finally trust this tank to come inside the house? do you think that if i fill it tonight, and it dosent leak between say now and saturday, that i can call it safe?

reason i ask is cause when i first filled up this tank, i let it sit about an hour, with no leaks, but then when i came back the next morning, like 8 hours later, there was a pinhole drip, drip, and thats what i repaired... so its not an instant answer kinda thing....
I'd give it a full 48 hours with the silicone.Then fill it and see what happens over 4 or 5 days before I hooked it up.
The last thing you wanna do is get it all plumbed in and running,then find its drippin 2 or 3 days later.

And after looking at that last set of pics.Are you sure,I mean 100% sure that rocks not in a tank with Kenya weeds?
i dont know what a kenya weed is, so i cant say if or if not anything.

yea, i rushed home, went outside moved the tank to where i feel good about leaving it for a few days till the weekend and do the leak test. go, get the hose, and shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh theres no water, only suction.
these are the joys of living this far from civilazation but just close enough to have to be on public utilities. i wish i lived just a little farther out, then i could have a well and not have to put up with this...

so... in the mean time, i took a couple more pictures of the tank, cause now that its right at eye level, every time i walk by it i stop and stair...

oh, and i love this first picture, cause it shows on the right, the original rock i got with the tank, at the bottom is one of my first batch of home made rocks, and then on the left is the second home made batch, that just got added to the tank this last weekend... oh and Waldo, my favorite.

oh and one other thing, i think i saw a copapod, or the shell of one anyway, i saw this clear flea sized and shaped thing go by, pictures included. but i think i saw one, so thats an improvement...

oh, and the white trupmet things that still remain unidentified, they do not react in any way that i can tell when touched by my scraper stick.


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oh, so around 930 last night the water finally came back on, so i finally got to fill up the new sump. there was a tiny dribble from the tripple baffel into the pump chamber, but not really anything i'm going to wory about, and besides, it was dark, and i couldnt see exactly where it was comming from, but the outter tank never leaked a drop.

I went outside this morning with a flashlight, and there werent any wet spots on the concrete where the tank is sitting, so the outter tank is still holding well...
sump is still full and dry, so thats good.

also went and pulled the carbon out, finally

also went and got my craigslist drilled 20g and a rio2100

the tank will fit where i wanted to put it, but its just too tall to be able to work inside it once its inside the stand, so thats a bummer. but now i have a double drilled 20... i'll have to get some bulkheads and see what i come up with.. one thought that i had was to still use it as the fuge, but to just have the fuge out on display, like beside the main tank, and then i can have all that other junk inside the stand

i havent been able to convince the wife that its a good idea to set up the fuge beside the tank yet, but i think that when i tell her that there is a possibility(yea right) that if we were to ever want seahorses, that they would have to go in there, that she might change her mind...

i'm not holding my breath tho...

also, did some research, found out that there is a pdf available on the marineland website that lists which parts are tempered on thier standard glass tanks, and i also called aqueon products, and the lady i talked to said that you could look through thier website, or thier catalog, to see which ones are tempered, but that as a general rule, the verticle glass parts are not tempered on thier standard square glass tanks, some of the bottoms are, and some of the curved corner and speciality tanks are, but not the standards.
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Something you might think about with your fuge.Set it beside the display like your thinking.But instead of of the typical refugium,set it up as a seagrass tank.Same effects as the normal fuge,except for seagrasses and the types of corals and inverts that you'd find in the grasses.
It'd still be tied into your display,but you could have stuff like seahorses and pipe fish.Plus the grass would be great for nutrient uptake.
yep, thats a right fine idea!

i'm still working on the location details.

it has dawned on me that i cant really put anything beside my tank, cause the sides of my stand are also doors... hmmmm
hehehe yea, butjust think about how much easier it will be to get to my timers if we have a power failure, or work on this or that... that extra access is sooo gonna be worth it..
oh, and i thought more about it, theres really no reason that i cant build off the wall there to support a tank over where the door swings, and just not have a leg on that end, but say one in the middle.



the sump is starting to take shape... the 29 gallon tank has had its baffels installed and tested outside, the tank was filled a few days ago, and left outside to make sure that the tank didnt leak, not a drop.

so i emptied it and brought it in the house, and put it in the stand today. then using my blue 1 gallon jugs, i filled it up, 1 gallon at a time, and then i drew lines on the sump for each gallon. i dunno why right now, but i figure i'll never get the chance to do it again, so why not.

so, as for tonight, its sitting there, basically full to operating level, full of just RODI water, i figure when i get the new fuge done, then i'll dump some salt in the sump and rig a pump to mix it and then just plumb it into the tank... if you can follow my train of thought...

anyway, heres a pic of the new sump, and its wiggely squggely sharpie 1 gallon marks.


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he wanted to be able to say; Hey my sump is precisely 2 gallons low at the time of this post. Details man he needs the details.
There is no problem with being precise. I cant do that would make me nuts. Might get confusing though when he puts on the min and max fill lines though.
hey man im far from a n00b and I actually think its a cool idea. I like it. In fact if i was motivated enough it would do it to my sump too.... but im not. I really like the idea though.

BTW looks like things are coming along quite nicely man. I think this is the first time I have actually stopped by this thread.