Cayman Octopus


Cayman Islands
I found this Octopus, (Josephine) in a conch shell 3 weeks ago, she eats 2 to 3 hermit crabs per day and seems to acclimatize really well, anybody knows what type of octopus it is? How much food should she gets per day? So far she seems to only be interested by live crabs.




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Thanks, You have no idea how fun it is, I can spend hours looking at her hunt for food, the best addition to my aquarium so far.
Hermits may be all she will eat.I'd just keep several in the tank.That way she can hunt for food when ever she gets hungry.
check out Winyfrog told me about them and I've been able to find ALL kinds of species specific info on their...aparently the site is run by marine biologists. Do yourself a favor the species FAQ page and take some time to look through the pictures for your Octopus' species before you e-mail them.
It reminds me of the mantis shrimp. lol. I just have a picture in my mind that the mantis shrimp finally meet his match. :D