Dane's 125 Gallon Marine Setup

Next is my Duncan. Tried to play with a few closeups... lemme know what you think.


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Picasso, our Mandarin who is festing on MEGA pods in my system, some REALLY awesome Hulk Zoas, and my Favite..

And hey Sarah, OMG... I lied girl. I hit my flashlight the other night and this thing has HUUUUUUUUUUGE sweeper tentacles. prolly 6-7 inches long!!!!! i was shocked! Yall ever had to re-arrange all your corals @ 2am?!?!?


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Another one my Favs... dunno why i like it so much, but its awesome.

LT Plate...


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So far they do look healthy Biff. The only coral i have that doesnt seem to want to eat is my Hammer. It looks extrememly happy and healthy, but it just wont take Mysis of chopped up table shrimp.

My current challenge is Nitrates and getting them under 10. I know the RODI unit will help.

I do have a question... since I installed the new lights, I have had a HUUUUUUGE diatom explosion. Sand is brown, all my rocks are turning brown as well. Now... The only thing that has changed is the lights. I have NO other algae issues, just diatoms.

In my freshwater days, this woudl start to happen when my CF lights started to get old and out of frequency. I bought this fixture and the CF's were already installed. the Guy told me he had just replaced them, but didnt get around to installing the HQI's which I did.

During the day i run the CF Actinics while im at work and then I run the MHs when I get home. The diatoms seem to grow like mad during the day.

Could this guy have given me a fixture with old CFs or is this more than likely due to the extra light intensity?

What are yall's thoughts?
That'll usually happen you start getting more light into the tank..
It should settle down in a few days though.
Those corals look great.
Sorry i havent updated in a while guys. work + Family has been nuts lately.

Diatoms are gone (thanks Yote). i just waited it out and monitored water params.

Looks like I have also managed to overcome my nudi issue as well. I think I would be foolish to think i have completely erradicated them, but I have been monitoring my zoas pretty intensely and so far, so good. I also fragged some of the worse for wear zoas onto seperate rocks and they are taking off nicely. In fact they never looked so good.

My clown Fairy Wrasse I introduced to help with the Nudi's seemd to be a constant target for my 6-Line so i have him in another tank currently trying to figure out what to do with him. i may be getting rid of my 6-line (if I can catch him).

for the next couple weeks I will be doing nothing new. I really want to focus on the water params and try to stabilize my nitrates and get them down to below 10.

How bout you sir? anything new?!?!
Hey Yall,

doesnt pertain to THIS tank, but in my 55 FOWLR, I have had it setup and Cycling for 3 weeks with my last remaining "Killer-Damsel"...

I am full fledge into my Diatom Stage on it, and today I went in and noticed some VERY red, soft puffy looking algae in the sand (about the size of a can of skoal) and on the rocks (one area the soze of a silver dollar)...

Is this the dreaded red slime?!? What is it and what do I do to get rid of it. It is definitely NOT coraline...

havent felt it yet to see if it is truely "slimy" or not... Looks kinda like tightly woven blood red cotton candy with air bubbles trapped under the first layer.
Yeah,that'd be cyano AKA,red slime.
The quickest way to get rid of it since the tank is cycling,is to just cut the lights off.
Then once the cycles done,if it comes back you can siphon it out.
Probably not.Aint much that will eat cyano.
the best bet is just to siphon it out when you do a water change.Then try to direct some more flow into that area of the tank.
Ahhh... the key. FLOW...

Thatis one thing I have not done with this FOWLR setup. i have no FLOW!

Guess I need to remedy that eh?
Ya know, Right?!?!?

I mean, i only have 3-TURBO Koralias in my 125 DT... WTF happened with my FOWLR...

Ok, so tonight Im on a Red Algae mission with focus on installing koralias in my 55 FOWLR