candycane coral


Reef enthusiast
is it time to eat


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I have one head of candy cane and it never looks like that. I maybe see a few tentacles out around 6am but it never blows up like your pic. It's been in my tank for about 2 months now. No growth.
Steel,Try spot feeding some cyclops or rotifers.That usually gets em in feedin mode.Plus it'll help em grow.
I squirt in some phytoplankton and zooplex. I see my 3 Trumpet heads feeding. They stay open all most all night long. With the candy cane I've only seen some tentaces around 6am.

My cocoa worm is still going so I'm guessing its getting what it needs from the phytoplankton.

Cant remember the name of the phytoplankton. 6oz bottle that I keep in the fridge.