help with lighting


Living one day at a time
ok now that yall have gotten me infected with the reefing bug I need to upgrade my lighting. My main tank right now is a corner tank its a folwr but I want to change that to a reef. I cant seem to figure out what lighting is going to be the best option. It is way under powered it has a 40watt pc now, gonna move that to the 10 gal reef build we are doing in September. I know the pics look :pooh: all I have is my camera phone. And im not to swift with computer software, however I can build just about anything. I need to keep my light budget to around $200. Any suggestions would be great.


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    fish tank July 4th.jpeg
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so i would need to make a hood or figure a way to suspend it. how far above would it need to be?
I got mine hanging about 5" off the water.4 above the top of the rim.You'd just need something to hang the light from.Or you get even get a couple of the retro kits and build a canopy.Either way would do the trick.
I think Nathans probably got the best idea.
And with that 14K Phoenix bulb,you wont need any actinics.
ok, so why wouldnt I need actinics with 14k Phoenix bulb? In all the reading I have been doing I am always seeing mh combos. Dang I thought I had a little figured out guess not. :frustrat:
14K bulbs give off a pretty blue color. If you had a yellower bulb, like 10K, you would need to supplement it with blue actinics to get the corals' color out. But since 14K is bluish already, you won't need actinics.
oh ok :bowdown: must have missed that in my research. So the current ones arent the greatest huh? I thought the internal timer thing looked cool, one less thing to buy lol. If i could just hit that dang lotto.
Even though you wouldn't necessarily need the actinics with the 14K MH, they would provide a different spectrum which would be beneficial for corals. I would look into a combo set up if I were you. Just better in the long run, I think.
Interesting to know about the 14K bulbs. Why don't people just use the 14K instead of the 10K HQI with CF actinics combo? Almost all of the "highend" fixture do that kind of combo. Just to boost the wattage?

EDIT: nvm. dcantucson answered it before I post the question. :D