Dane's 125 Gallon Marine Setup

Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

I use the reinforced flex hose. But im very limited on space in my sump and need to play in the lines. A lot of people have there stuff hard plumbed. Flex hose does eliminate the cost of fittings.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

I used the flex hose too.Mainly because I hate plumbing,and wanted it to be quick and simple..Not to mention,the fewer joints in the lines,the less likely there'll be leaks.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

I went with pvc because I'm a fussy person. But it's really a personal choice. Depends on if looks matters.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

COOL! New Hitchiker Discovery!

From everything I have read here, these look like Spiney brittle Starfish

3 spines out of one hole.... I have yet to see a complete body. The same night I noticed these is two different spots, then last night, apparently were retracted into the hole...

maybe tonight they will show up!


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Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Yote, The LFS said it was cured, and fro what i understand of curing, his setup looks as it is properly setup to cure the LR. he just got 250 lbs wednesday that he has curing now. If I happen to buy some of it today for the Sump project and few more color pieces for the DT, do I need to cure it, or just put it in the tank since I am still int he early stages.

Also, Ihave TONS of algae (Diatoms?) everywhere. Yes I know its normal, but according to the incredible article I read, if my water params check out, can I introduce my cleanup crew slowly starting today?


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Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Yes based on the age of the tank, you will see a lot of different algae cycles. Diatoms, Cyano, and Hair algae. I think if the parameters look good, I would try some hermits and snails in there.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup


Been out all day gathering up material for the sump system. Picked up a KILLER deal on a 35gal aquarium so Ill be using that instead of the 20. Grabbed a Mag 950 pump... Flew hose, TONS of fittings, overflow Box, And some Acrylic sheeting.

Ill be building the sump tonight and setting er up tomorrow.

and yea, based on what I have read here, I have all the above.. Algae, Hair, diatoms, etc.

Also picked up another 30 pounds of LR (Already cured) and the majority of it has AWESOME coraline already started. VIBRANT colors.

My Water params checked out great. Amonias and Nirites were SUPER low and nitrates >10ppm.

Justin, my local LFS owner sent me home with MY CLEANING CREW!!!!!

(Can ya tell Im just a little excited?!?!?)

25 snails
25 Hermits
5 emeralds
2 starfish

All of them VERY small. We came home, dropped them off, headed to home Depot and DEAR GOD in just 4 hours, WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!!!

(He STILL wouldnt let me get a fish!!!!.... damnit)

anyways. Im gonna take more pics in the morning!

Yall tell me if i did bad or not. everything seems alive and happy!

and I have ordered my Marine Super Deluxe Test Kit!

Only thing left to buy is my protien skimmer.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

With the cured rock,you shouldnt have any worries.

Looks like you had a great Saturday:D BUT.
I would have cut the CUC in half for now.But as long as theres enough algae and waste to keep them fed,then its all good.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

It sounds like you've got a great LFS. Your cleaner crew should be good for a while. Have fun building your sump tonight! Remember, if you use silicone, do not use any that is anti-microbial or anti-mildew/mold. It's bad for your tank.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

omg ur getting confused here mate the point of a sump yes is to hide some equipment but the main point is for a refugem you will also need an overflow box please see the photos overflow box. my sump has 1 section and the rest for cheeto and the return pump make urself a little shelf at side of the aquarium for skimmer a 20 gallon sump tank is nowere near big enough for what u propose also you said ur Amonias and Nirites were SUPER low and nitrates >10ppm amonias and nitrites need to be zero not super low what test kits are you using please not those dip strips you need good quality test kits i would recomend salifert and before you add any fish if ur setting up a reef tank you wanna get ur nitrates under controll under 5ppm in a reef tank as soon as you add fish and food they will go up


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Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Danes just now getting this tank set up and just finishing the cycle.So his nitrates are in line with whats going on in his tank.
I think he's got the right idea and is one the right track.
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

hes said is Amonias and Nirites were SUPER low they need to be zero i would not add a thing unless the amonias and nitrites were ZERO
Re: Dane's 100 Gallon Marine Setup

Agreed CKCKCK... When i said super low, I meant barely readable using a Liquid Test kit. One thing you find about me is that I dont play around when it comes to water conditions.

while Im new to Salty, I am no novice to water params. THANK YOU for your reccomendation on the test kit. i have been looking and if you have read my thread, you should see I am a stickler for Quality and doing it right the first time, regardless the cost.

Also, Thanks for your advice on the sump. Im building this small one for now to get used to the plumbing, lighting, etc. I upgraded to a 30 gallon. i know it is still a bit small, but it has to be better than none.

I also have a an overlfow. The only one I could find locally has a lift pump included, so ill be using it until I get my Shopp Overflow in.

Thanks again for your pictures and setup details! Looks aweome man!