Jake's 26 Gallon Reef (3 Months Old)


Reefing newb
So This is my 26 gallon tank. I have about 32 pounds of LR.
  • 10 snails
  • 10 Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
  • 1 Emerald Crab
  • 1 Yellowtail Blue Damsel
  • 2 False Perculas
  • 1 Royal Gramma
  • 1 Blackray Shrimp Goby


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Sweet thanks guys lol and girl!

I want to get:
  • 1 more Blackray goby and the Pistol shrimp to go with them
  • 1 Red firefish
  • Maybe a Pearly Jawfish...
  • I'm also getting a Harliquin Shrimp this Tuesday
Yep, harlequin shrimp need starfish to survive. If you don't have (or are unwilling to have) a constant supply of starfish for it to eat, it will starve.
Nice tank, Do you have a photo of the equipment your using trying to get ideas for my upgrade.

Yeah I plan on buying Chocolate stars for the Harloquin shrimp. I really want to get a Fire shrimp but I really want Zooanthids...
oh really??? i've been told they will eat them and i've been told they won't...well then I guess i'll get one! Will it be ok with a Pistol shrimp and a Harliquin Shrimp?​
The only thing a fire shrimp will eat,is the waste and leftover fish food.And if the fish will let them,they'll clean the fish of parasites and dead scales and skin.
+1 yote, dcan.... I've got tons of zoas, and a fire shrimp. The shrimp will occasionally pick fish food off the zoa rocks, but doesn't want a thing to do with the zoas themselves. I love my fire shrimp... he cleans my hands, as well as my angelfish. They're cool. Also have a pistol shrimp, and the two shrimps never go anywhere close to each other. I highly recommend a fire shrimp in every tank. :)
Your tank is looking great! I really like your creativity and I hope you will continue to post updates and pics as you stock more.