Justin's 75 gal build

Thanks Dustin! I just talked to my supplier and he is ordering the correct fish again, and will deliver it next week. This little one is pretty, but like you pointed out, will get way too big for my set up.
he's not doing any harm now and hes good to look at, and more importantly the seller is making it right, so Im happy.
I just made a trade and I am excited about my new stuff. I broke off about 70 heads of zoos in exchange for two heads of frogspawn, a montipora sps, a leather, a tennis ball size piece of blue clove polyps, and some anthelias. Now I know 70 is a lot, but it wasn't my favorite zoa, and I have a total of about 300 head. Plus, I always like to make sure that people are equally excited about corals as I am and I would have hated it if he got to my house and was let down with the frag I made for him. Pics to come soon
they are all open. I thought I was getting a leather, a nepthea to be exact, I believe I got a Kenya which I guess is technically a leather but I am not so excited about it. I will post pics asap
Blue Clove Polyps
We were about to leave to go hang with mom but my wife stopped to write in the cards so I thought I'd get these up quickly... I'm outta here!
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it seems like fate. I got one a while back and it didn't do well and I thought to myself, "It's just as well, everyone says they're trouble". Now here I am with another one in my tank. I am going to trade it to someone else before it get's out of hand. It's the only addition I didnt't glue in. :D
Justin my friend,I hate to tell you this,but its ALREADY to late.Once those kenyas get into your tank,they start releasing billion upon billions of spores into the air around the tank that grow into new kenyas over the following weeks,months,and years.
Your doomed to the kenya plague for the rest of your natural life.They'll be growing up through the drains in your shower,sink,anywhere theres water.:mrgreen:
well then I need your help in changing the general opinion of this coral because I am going to have a lot to sell. Speaking of which, how would you like to be my first customer? I'll make you a good deal on the mother colony and i'll just keep my spore pups :)
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Why it RO/DI!

I'm making water as we speak. It's slower than I hoped, but 0 TDS without leaving the house. I can't complain!
wow Justin! I love your Blue Clove Polyps!! not one of our LFS have those and i had a fewww come in on some live rock but they didn't make it, there was only two or three heads on it.. nice corals :)
glad you got your ro/di too! yeah i agree much slower than i had expected, but free for me was a damn good price and the benefit of not leaving the house will maybe be enough for me to get back on weekly water changes too!
that's exactly what I was thinking, plus with the heat here, you really can't put a price on not having to get in the car to drive across town to buy water