my candy cane


love my reef
Ok I posted my candy cane pics yesterday and I did like the LFS said and placed it 1/2 way and then this morning I was to move it to the top of the tank, well when I got up this morning I notice that a snail must have knocked it down and were did it fall but next to my carpet anemone :shock: so I moved it right away, but now I have noticed that some if the flesh has pealed away, I added Vit C to the tank is there anything else I can do to help it out with it's wound??
carpets are pretty gnarly... doesn't sound too good for the guy... you'll just have to give it time, really.

how is your carpet doing? how long have you had him?
My carpet is HUGE so far it's about 8" round it's doing great! I have had it about 3 months


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Any of the candy cane heads that didnt touch the carpet will probably be the only ones to survive.9 times outta 10 the anemone sting will kill the coral.
I feed it silver fish about every 3 days right now all I have is reg power heads but I have some koralia 3's coming soon I have a 10 gal sump my lighting is 4 54 wt ATI T5, and 2 250wt HO's it's a little over kill for this 55 but I'm up grading to a 90 gal with a 55 gal sump when we move into the new house... so I'm excited for that

SWEET! how do you care for it, what equipment are you using to keep it alive, what kind of flow do you have?