New to site and SW


Reefing newb
Hello everyone! Thought I would share some pics of my setup. I am new to the site as well as SW fish. I have had freshwater all my life and finally gave in. Please opinions welcome on what you see, I feel like I am still a very new beginner. This is my tank back in December before adding more rock.


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Here is what I have now with pics of new addtions


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You have nice coralline coverage on your rocks and glass. But you sure picked some tough fish to start off with. Copperbands are very hard to keep alive (rarely living for more than a couple months) and mandarins will starve to death in young tanks unless they are eating frozen food. If your mandarin is eating frozen, then it makes a really hardy, pretty fish to keep. Looks like a great set up so far!
You have nice coralline coverage on your rocks and glass. But you sure picked some tough fish to start off with. Copperbands are very hard to keep alive (rarely living for more than a couple months) and mandarins will starve to death in young tanks unless they are eating frozen food. If your mandarin is eating frozen, then it makes a really hardy, pretty fish to keep. Looks like a great set up so far!

Hi Bifferwine! I am sorry i should give a little more detail of my tank. In all the tank has been up and running for about two years. I have had a lot of problems with it, like I said this is my first attempt at SW. I struggled with water chemistry, I put some damsels in and they died right away, on advice I took some rock out and tried again and again lost fish. So finally, I put my live rock back in did very frequent water changes, I stopped cleaning my filter and sump as often, put more damsels in and they have lasted over six months so I then went to the new fish i have dispalyed today. Which all are doing fine eating and appearing very healthy as of this am, which will mark three weeks in the tank. SO with all that said, bet you are sorry you replied to me, LOL I feel like I am just now successfully starting out!! Any way I will keep you all posted, plus I will add some pics today after my water change. Thanks for all the replys!!
Great looking tank.
I love those copperbands,I wish you luck with him.

So far he is doing very well eating and very active. I was worried at first the CBB had a spot on a fin but that disappeared after a few days, so all is well now.
Thanks Bifferwine, sorry I did not give all the details earlier, but thanks for great advice
Here are a few more pics from today


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Y'all keep posting pictures of those foxfaces,I may have to get me another one:D Their one of my top 10 fish,but I sure dont like getting stung.
You have a very nice tank and fish are pretty......good luck with your tank hopefully you will be able to maitain the tank with little problems.
Well some sad news today, the CBB did not make it after all, I found him today being devoured by some crabs. I do not know what happened, he seemed to be doing very well, eating and swimming around normally. I guess you are right a very hard fish to keep. Any ideas on what to replace with? Would like a couple more fish with some nice color.
they only say expert because they are known jumpers and are hard to get eating, if you buy a leopard wrasse that is eating they are just as easy to care for as a clownfish
+1 Dustin (oh my!)

Leopard wrasses can be difficult to get eating. If you have your LFS order one (or see one there), make sure it's eating before you buy it. If it is, you're in the clear. In general, wrasses are very easy fish to take care of.
+1 Dustin (oh my!)

Leopard wrasses can be difficult to get eating. If you have your LFS order one (or see one there), make sure it's eating before you buy it. If it is, you're in the clear. In general, wrasses are very easy fish to take care of.

I have really not looked at Wrasses before today, too bad they are some really good looking fish. I am not very impressed with my LFS, the last fish I got were from Very happy till the CBB died.