identity crisis - anemone


Reefing newb
ive had this anemone for about 2 years now, in the store it was labelled sand anemone. ive looked online and cant find anything by that name, it lays flat on the substrate and its kind of pink with short cream coloured tentacles (dont know what to call them??). its about the size of a CD lying on the sand. ive never seen a picture of anything similar. my camera is broken right now so i cant get a picture of it but i was wondering if anyone knows what it could be. i know its kind of vague but any info would help settle my curiousity. i had a tomato clown who used to host in it but the clown is gone now so he sits by himself. i feed it a couple of times a week and as soon as food hits it it curls over on itslef to eat it.
no...thats way too red. its a flesh coloured body with lighter cream coloured tentacles. they are very short and banded with the cream colour. when it lays flat on the sand its not completely covered in tentacles, they stick up and move slightly in the current, they edges however are covered in tentacles. i'll try to get a picture of it soon.
the picture is kind of dark and a little misleading, its shadowy. the colour of the anemone is actually the lightest colour you can see, the darker areas are just shadows


  • anemone.psd
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heres a jpeg if thats easier...


  • IMG_6194.jpg
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ninja means someone posted the same reply before you did. also just to clarify, the picture was meant to get an idea of the body shape of the anemone and not to ask if it was the exact same specimen. and it looks like a carpet anemone to me
ok, so what the heck is this thing i just found in my tank? its way in the back behind some stuff, so the pictures really arent great...


  • what is it 1.jpg
    what is it 1.jpg
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  • what is it 2.jpg
    what is it 2.jpg
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also just to clarify, the picture was meant to get an idea of the body shape of the anemone and not to ask if it was the exact same specimen. and it looks like a carpet anemone to me

Gotcha. I had actually wondered that after I posted buy no worries wasn't tryin to sweat ya about it.