Help!!!!! Leak in my tank!!!

I finally heard back from my lfs and they will get me a new tank and a new stand as well. The catch: my new tank and stand will only be delivered to me on friday as the manufacturer have to ship it to them as they don't have it in stock. I'm happy with that, and I think that's a fair deal... The tank has to be shipped from the USA and I'm in Canada , so there is nothing they can do about delivery delays...

I tested my water when I got home from work and my ammonia is bad! I'm at 1.0. Did another 50% waterchange around 6:00 pm. I just tested my water now (8:00pm) and my ammonia is still at 1.0 . Should I do another water change? What to do now.....???:question::question: Any ideas...? :question::question:I am now running a small filter with carbon in it. I'm rinsing the carbon every day. I'm only testing for ammonia as I'm sure everything else is out of control. :frustrat:

I got home knowing that I had to live with it til friday:frustrat:. My anemore looked all closed up when I got home. I had to figure a way to put my lighting on top of the bin. Will the anemone and fish make it to friday..?This is what I came up with.


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I can't help on the anemone as I haven't had one. However, you may be able to reduce the ammonia with some of the chemicals I've seen at the LFS. Perhaps someone here will be able to chime in as to their effectiveness. These are products such as API's Ammonia Lock, or Kent's Ammonia Detox.
I've never used those chemicals Lights mentioned.But right now,I'd say their worth a shot,along with massive water changes.
The bad part is,that even though you've got new tank coming,its going to cycle.
That light will help the anemone,but I highly doubt it'll survive the ammonia.I'd suggest either taking what you can get for on credit at your LFS or having them hold it for a while.Its probably the most sensitive of all your livestock and also the one to cause the most problems if it dont survive.
I already asked the manager at my lfs if they could hold some of my livestock for me. And they said no. Not enough tanks... I guess I'll email her tomorrow and ask her if they can hold the anemone for me, and if not, I'll ask them to just take it back. I'll go get some ammonia removal chemicals at the same time I drop off my anemone. Should I do another water change tonight? I already made a 50%change around 6:00 pm. It's now 9:45 pm..??
I've used a product called AmQuel (I don't remember who makes it). It did work. Stuff like that should only be used as a last option, IMO, since it can be harmful to inverts. But if I were you, I'd be at that point, since you have been doing large water changes and your water is still out of whack. Could you just buy another tub, heater and powerhead and move anything that doesn't need light into it? That way you can spread your livestock out even more among more containers. That may be easier and cheaper in the long run.
Well, my lfs can't hold or take anything from me as they are getting a new shipment of fish tomorrow. And I will even admit that their tanks are usually pretty full .. My ammonia tested at 0.5 this morning. A little better. All my fish are eating. I just can't find my six line, probably hiding somewhere...
I would just keep up with water changes. Plus I would put the anemone in a bin by itself with a heater and powerhead. At least if it dies it won't wipe everything out.
I got my tank and new stand delivered on Friday night. I started setting up the new tank last night. Mixed gallons of new water. Plugged my skimmer, powerheads, filter and heater in the new tank. Placed some of my old water back in the tank. By then, it was 1:00 am. I was falling asleep sitting... Went to bed as I was way too tired to finish. Let my water heat up overnight. Transfered all the rocks back in the tank. Dripped my fish and corals. And place them back in the tank.. My anemone snd corals opened up.. Let's just hope my tank us not gonna cycle... Everything looks happier, my fish also but stressed out a bit.. The worst is over.. All I can do now is to monitor my tank, and test it a couple times a day.. I lost my sixline. Last I remember, it was in the bucket with everything else. I then couldn't find it and I thought it was hiding. And it was nowhere to be found today....and I haven't found a dead fish either..