overflow set up


So I'm trying to get my overflow to work, but it's not really doing anything. I hooked up the aqua lifter, got it 1/4" below the water line, and filled the container up, and turned on the lifter. But it's not continually pulling the water out. Anyone know whats up?
Got it, had the flow reversed!
Okay, now I'm having another probem. The water hitting the sump at the return is deafening, I can't even hear the tv. My girlfriend is not pleased at all.
Is there a way to quiet it down?

Update: I shut it off because my girlfriend's favorite show and almost overflowed the sump. (The aqua lifter pump was still on and was pumping water into the overflow). With how loud it is and how complicated it's been, I'm really thinking about giving up the sump project; I think I just may not be mechanically inclined enough to get it right without flooding my apt at some point. IF I do end up giving up, is my tank going to be okay without my canister and with no sump?
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I plugged my return pump and the aqualifter into the same outlet so I didn't leave one on without the other.
How is the water going into your sump. Is it falling or can you extend it to the water line? Could you put a filter sock on it.
A picture would help.
Either mines just not that loud,or I dont pay any attention to it.
Does the drain empty out under the water surface?That will quietin it some.

To keep from flooding,just remove of the water from the system then cut the return pump off and see where the water level in the sump rises too.If its still to close to the top of the sump,just take a little more water and retry.Generally,4 to 6" between the water surface and the top of the sump will take of it.
It's falling, I could probably extend it into the water line. Isn't it supposed to be exposed to the air tho?
I'm def going to need a break from this project, my gf is pretty sick of me tinkering for the time being, and I think I need to think about how to make it work better and with a far lower chance of it flooding my floor.
If I go without it for a while, do I need a substitute filter? Or is my large amount of lr and deep sandbed going to do the trick? Not sure what a sock is....

It empties out about 1/2' above the water surface. I'll experiment with the sump levels a bit later...need rest!
He left the pump on that fills the overflow to keep his syphon. That will just keep pumping water from the display to the sump until the pump runs dry.
Another thing is trying to figure out where to put my overflow, should I have it just at the top of my present water level in the main tank?
Anyone on whether I actually need a filter in the meantime? If so, I'm going to go to the LFS after work and get a hang on the back type...
I wouldnt worry about a HOB filter.Save your money for more important things like corals:D
Set the box inside the tank to where your water levels at now.
This is what i did to mine, i also have an aqualifter in my u tube to help keep the siphon, it flows down into my sump/fuge prob about 6" below the waterline, it was just a test run but was pretty quiet thanks to my DIY Durso, Hope this helps and good luck!! Oh and i've heard HOB filters arent that great


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