Rushy's first 55g Reef Effort - V Early Stages


Reefing newb
After many years of delibiration, I've finally take the plunge, and although obviously still at the very early stages, even now I'm completely captivated and sit there for hours watching what might creep out from the crevices in the live rock. Anyway, my setup at the moment consists of a Roma 240, with Fluval 305 Ext. Filter, 2 Hydor Koralia 1's (although I've just ordered a 2 as well). I've ordered a Prizm Skimmer, which I'm still waiting for to be delivered. The substrate consists of 20k of Reef sand and 12k of live sand and at the moment I have 22k of live rock, although I would still like to add another couple of pieces to create another peak and a bridge on the scape. A couple of images attached, very boring but I guess we've got to start somewhere.


  • Setup with LR 1.jpg
    Setup with LR 1.jpg
    27.9 KB · Views: 9,582
  • Setup with LR 2.jpg
    Setup with LR 2.jpg
    27.8 KB · Views: 8,691
  • My V Supportive Wife.jpg
    My V Supportive Wife.jpg
    28.5 KB · Views: 2,077
Welcome to the forum, I love the avatar. Tank looks like your off to a good start so far. that pic of your wife cracks me up. Dont worry we wont think your a loser here :)
Welcome to the forum, I love the avatar. Tank looks like your off to a good start so far. that pic of your wife cracks me up. Dont worry we wont think your a loser here :)

Thanks Alexander for the welcome. Would love to have one one day, when I have a tank big enough to house - my holy grail I think!! Cracks me up too, especially as she lists Quilt making and Dolls house building as her hobbies!!! I don't mind being a loser if that's the alternative!? :grin:
sure have! how are your parameters? I assume your still in the middle of your cycle

I was thinking about checking them tonight, I'm 8-9 days in now so I assume I should be pretty close to the ammonia peak, if it's cycling normally (based on what I've read, although I'm open to much advice!!!). My SG has settled back down again to 1.025 after spiking when I introduced the LR (although thats been measured wih a hydrometer as oppose to a refractometer - which I've now ordered, so I expect it could be very wrong anyway). Any advice will e gratefully received :D
Thats going to be a great looking set up.
And if she thinks your a loser now,just wait till you get all excited about a cool hitch hiker you found in your tank:mrgreen:
Thats going to be a great looking set up.
And if she thinks your a loser now,just wait till you get all excited about a cool hitch hiker you found in your tank:mrgreen:

Thanks for the compliment. I've been sitting all night watching every critter crawl out of whatever crevice it was using as home, absolutely fasinated with it. I've gained at least 8 crabs, some I need to do some research for just to find out what they are. She's been at work all night can't wait till she gets home to show her!!! :mrgreen: