Green Leather Coral


Hi -
I just got a big order from IPSF, including lime green leather coral & anthelia polyps. The order was delayed because of the snowstorm we had, and the corals look like a little bit rough around the edges.
I don't know much about corals yet (these are my first beyond a piece of GSP)...the anthelia looks like dead lettuce right now, and the lime green leather is just laying on it's side a bit (looks like a mushroom) - the rock that one is attached to is really small, so it's hard to make it go upright. Will it grow upright?

I'm trying to ID if the corals are okay so I can report it to IPSF if they're DOA. Another one of the bonus ones looks a little weak too - I'l try to get some photos when I get back this afternoon.

What would you guys look for to see if the corals are a-ok?
Thanks, sorry for the long email!
Those are hardy corals, so I would give it a few days to see if they'll shape up.

Post pics of them if you can, we'll be able to ID them for you.
just keep some decent flow on leather otherwise it might just melt away, i try not to order online in winter time just cause they might be sitting a cold truck overnight, online order in winter and dead of summer are risky.
yeah leathers are really tough, just give them a few days like Biff said, and they'll open up probably. Mine lays down half the time then opens up on a very inconsistent basis.
they should be fine since they are beginner corals, and beginner corals means hardy corals, look for skeleton and bleaching. those are signs of dieing
Here are two of the corals. The one on the far right (the green leather) isn't really secured to anything. Right now I have it standing up, but will it grab itself onto the rock I put it on? Or do I have to glue it in somehow?

Not sure what the one on the left is, but he looks a little peverse!


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leather looks fine just give it some time, i have huge umbrella leather that will keep polyps in and look like crap for a week than out of no where looks good again. They do that when you move them or when they are shedding skin, if i touch my yellow fiji leather it will close up for 3 days.
It's hard to tell which leather is which when they are small like your penis. Coral.

Hahahaha. I just had to make that joke. Sorry. Okay. Bye.