QUESTION: What type of Coral is this and is it easy to frag


Reefing newb
I have these corals and I'd like to split them into 2 or 3 pieces. Are they easy to frag? I think one is called an octopus coral, I'm not sure what the other coral is.

Can you identify these of corals. Thanks! :)


  • CORAL1111.jpg
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  • Octopus.jpg
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The left is a kenya tree and the right is frogspan.

The kenya can just be cut any were and will grow from that.

The frogspan if growing other branches each branch can be broken off. I don't know if you can split each branch though. I'd wait to hear back from someone else on that though.
The left is a kenya tree and the right is frogspan.

The kenya can just be cut any were and will grow from that.

The frogspan if growing other branches each branch can be broken off. I don't know if you can split each branch though. I'd wait to hear back from someone else on that though.

Thanks Bobby,

The frogspawn coral has 4 heads on it right now, it looks really healthy. I think I might split it in half. I just break it with my hands??
Also the kenya has a fat stem that looks as if it has 2 large stalks coming from the base, can I cut it in half vertically? creating 2 kenya trees?

The left is a colt coral(cladiella).You can cut it right inbetween the two branches with a razor blade.You will need to rubberband or use a needle/fishing line to hold it against a rock until it attaches.

The right is a frospawn.
You will need a bone cutter or wire pliers to cut a branch off.It needs to be done a inch lower than where you see flesh.It's hard to tell from the pic but it might not be ready to be fragged.
First one looks just like my kenya's. Either way though colt or kenya it can be cut just about anywhere and still be great.

The frogspawn can be broke with a hammer and chisel. Thats how I got my frags. I don't know if oyu can split each head though never tried it.