Need help with I.D.


Reefing newb
I have seen this from time to time in my tank but still do not know what it is. Currently I have these round "balls" dark Olive green in color and size from pea size and smaller. They are in a bunch in my Anthelia Coral and apparently doing no harm at all. I had to brush aside some of the stalks to get the picture.


  • Aquar.12-08-08 005.jpg
    Aquar.12-08-08 005.jpg
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I agree Bubble algae we had some on the rocks in the tank and we removed them. We took the rock out to do so but I never had it where any of my corals are. My Emerald crabs didnt touch it and that was one of the reasons I got them besides them being neat.
You can also try pulling it off by grabbing the tendrils with tweezers. Like others have said, don't pop it in the tank or it will release its spores.
It's bubble algae. I have it. Get rid of it ASAP. It spreads like wild fire in a 100mph wind!! Emeralds won't eat it. Been there, done that.

Everybody else nailed it. Don't pop it. It's got a hard shell, like an egg. But it's full of millions of spores. You can gently twist it near the base to separate it from the rock, then remove it.

I'd recommend manual removal of all that you can see. I'd also run some phosban to rid the tank of any excess phosphates.

Kill it!! Kill it!! Kill it!! Kill it!! Kill it!! Kill it!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for your input(s). I took the piece out of the tank and removed them but in the process found severall other very tiny bubbles in among the stalks. I couldn't get them so I guess I'll have to see if they develop larger so I can remove them as well. I rec-checked all water parameters and all is phosphates. Not sure if maybe these came in with the piece but I've only found them on this one piece of Anthelia Coral. Again, Thanks for all the help!