White Dot on Eyes?


Reefing newb
Large Blue Hippo Tang, the only survivor of some wretched disease 2 months ago the LFS was sure was ich but I have my doubts. Anyway, yesterday I noticed a single white dot on one of her eyes - today there's one on the other. Careful inspection finds no spots anywhere else on the body, fins gills etc. About 1 mm in size, bigger than the normal ich spots I've seen. Any ideas what this could be?

Also, on maybe an unrelated note, I've noticed an increasing number of small white "things" on the sides of my tank when the lights come on, maybe 1 to 2 mm in size, if I look really close I can see two "antenna" - should I care about these? I've got liverock and small snails in the tank, figured they had spawned or something but now I'm wondering if it's related?

Thanks in advance for any help!
yeah sounds like ich..
ich really never leaves the tank. and with a tang they are prone to catching it.

My blue tang has had a Rough life.
Was fount in a 15 Gallon tank that had been abandonded for a month.
there was only about 9 inches of Brown Murkey ass water...

My father inlaw grabbed her, Was stabbed by the tail barb. tossed on the rug... and placed in Fresh water for about 8 min...

we got her in a 5 gallon bucket of Fresh salt water.

set up a crude 10 Gallon tank and quickly cycled the 55 Gallon...
She sat in the bottom of that tank for a week . then started to wonder around. then caught POP EYE... i thought she was a goner,,, NOPE.

So in closing make sure your fish is eating, Stress is gone. and it will be cool

What other livestock do u have? what are u feeding it? do you have stress coat. when I see any sign of spots i use that and garlic.

I am sure you will have many replys here so don't worry you are in good hands
oh yeah shes doing Great. never happier...
OK, so the LFS said to treat with Kanaplex for Pop eye, and I have been - however the eyes are now worse. They are cloudy, and a few more spots have developed. Still not spots/dots anywhere else on the body. I will try and take pictures tomorrow, not sure what else to do - I have raised the tank temp to 80 F........
I see no reason to treat popeye. It's a condition that is caused by a physical injury of some sort 99% of the time.

Usually, it just heals itself. Worse case scenario, the temporary loss of vision impedes the fish's ability to feed and they starve to death. Sometimes they lose the eye. But usually it just goes away on its own. I've had several fish get popeye and all of them have healed.

Are you sure it's popeye? Popeye doesn't manifest itself as white spots. Google popeye and fish to make sure that's what it is.
Some pics of the left eye - the right isn't as bad, but is still cloudy....


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yeah sounds like ich..
ich really never leaves the tank. and with a tang they are prone to catching it.

My blue tang has had a Rough life.
Was fount in a 15 Gallon tank that had been abandonded for a month.
there was only about 9 inches of Brown Murkey ass water...

My father inlaw grabbed her, Was stabbed by the tail barb. tossed on the rug... and placed in Fresh water for about 8 min...

we got her in a 5 gallon bucket of Fresh salt water.

set up a crude 10 Gallon tank and quickly cycled the 55 Gallon...
She sat in the bottom of that tank for a week . then started to wonder around. then caught POP EYE... i thought she was a goner,,, NOPE.

So in closing make sure your fish is eating, Stress is gone. and it will be cool

What other livestock do u have? what are u feeding it? do you have stress coat. when I see any sign of spots i use that and garlic.

I am sure you will have many replys here so don't worry you are in good hands
Sorry Lionfish, I didn't see your questions at the end there - woops.

I have 3 red hermits, 1 emerald crab, and the mentioned snails as well as various polyps, etc. Feeding her algae drowned in garlic and New Life Spectrum pellets. She's still eating like a horse, I'm not too concerned about her surviving. I just know that when the "ich" apocolypse took place, her eyes got really cloudy but without those large spots. Still no ich-like spots anywhere else on her body.

I'd like to start re-stocking with some more clowns and another Royal Gramma, but not if they're just going to catch whatever the Tang has...
Can you look at the fish with a magnifying glass? Look at its eye and see if they're a bunch of overlapping discs, if that is the case they are flukes which present themselves as cloudy eyes. Worth a shot to look IMO.

If you have a quarantine/hospital tank you can treat with either Formalyne or Prazi-Pro. If you dont you can do a freshwater dip. Just make sure that the Ph is the same and put the fish in for about 5 min. The change in specific gravity(salinity) will make the fluke rupture and fall off due to their small size. The fish is large enough to handle the change just keep him moving maybe even keep it in the net so that you can manually move him.