Tank Upgrade....


Reefing newb
So today I was bored at work and stumpled across a 90 gallon tank with a cherry wood cabinet. It is stunning. So what did I do, I bought it. I am going to be picking it up today after work and upgrade my 55 to the 90. What did I get myself into now. DOH. I just got all my rocks aquaspaced the other day and got attacked by my little clown fish, now I have to do it all over again. The biggest problem I face is that I want to put the 90 right where is 55 is. This should be fun.:frustrat::frustrat::frustrat:
it is easy just use coolers for your rock and water an a bucket for the fish. keep all the water if you can and then swap tanks sand and fill er up i have done it a couple times.
Should I use the same sand or should i buy new sand and then seed it with a couple cups of the sand currently in the tank. Another question is how do I get the snails in the sand bed. The narsscius or how ever you spell it. I am going to make a mess
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Here she is: Pic sucks, but there it is.


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i would just use the sand you have and add some more to it on the bottom just add the new sans first. thats what i would do but some people add all new sand and just use a couple cups of the old.
Has that tank ever been used?Looks like a brand new one.Congratulations.
Like James said,Just add some new sand,cover that with the sand in the other tank,add saltwater,top off with new saltwater,and aquascape.Then post more pics.
The tank was used for a very limited time. He tired to get into salt water, but ran into to many problems. I got it for 200 bucks. I think I pretty much stole it. It's in tip top shape and the cabinet is brand new. :bounce: