HELP... What am I and Am I suposed to look like this?????


Reefing newb
Hello everyone, my cousen and I have a 120g Reaf tank and we placed this leather into the tank about 2 weeks ago, we dont think he looks verry healthy. What do we do?


  • Leather.jpg
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Dude, that is a weird looking leather! I'd guess sinularia (finger leather).

It doesn't look unhealthy.

Do you have the proper lighting? Are your water parameters good?

Leathers don't keep their tentacles extended all the time. My toadstool rarely extends its tentacles.

If the flesh starts rotting or discoloring, or if the coral can't stand upright anymore, then it may be sick.
I think is right about it being a finger leather.Looks like it just needs some light and some water flow to me.
Doesn't look like Sinularia,I call them devil's hand.It looks healthy to me,it's not drooping or decaying.Give it lots of indirect flow.many of them can take a month or more before extending the polyps.
Just an update on the leather. First thing in the morning it is Brown and Happy, but after about 8 hours with the lights on he turns grey and shrivles up again, untill the next morning. then he is back to normal...... Any sugjesstions or it this just what he does lol...