??? Question


love my reef
Now that I got my pics to show up I have these white spots on my rock do any of you know what they are??


  • dirt bike, J& sink, kids , beach,fish tank060.jpg
    dirt bike, J& sink, kids , beach,fish tank060.jpg
    79.5 KB · Views: 210
hard to tell from that distance. Is there any chance you can get a pic that is a close up?

If you post your pics through www.photobucket.com they will be larger too. Just upload the pics, click on the IMG code it will autocopy then paste it in your post. Make sure to leave a line between the codes so that they post vertically instead of horizontally.
I have those all over my rocks. Just white dots? Kind large?

They aren't spirorbid worms (they don't form spirals) but they don't seem to do any harm, whatever they are.
I've had them for a while they don't seem to do anything? Ihave broke a couple open and there is nothing in them? just was wondering what they might be? Thanks
How close to perfect round are they? There is a type of snail egg that lays nearly perfect circle egg sacks.