My Sump


Reefing newb
Ok so my sump that I have right now is maybe 20-25 gallons. About Half of it is bio-balls. That is where my first question comes in. Are they good or bad? they also go in the overflow of my tank. I have a 40 sitting in my backyard i could make it a sumo, and also i have a reall wird sump. It is about 3 ft tall 1 foot wide by 6-8 inch deep. 1/2 of it is boiballs, and the other half is drilled for a driain. I think i could hook that up as my fuge? Correct me if im wrong
pics would help a ton or even draw up a pic in paint and upload that. you could use the 40 if you got room for it, is it going under the stand?
Ya under the stand. it will be a custom stand, taller than most. I hate how the stands are so low. Ill go take a pic with my webcam i guess
Reg sump1. Tank I can make sump 2. New Sump 3. New sump top 4.In my tank where bioballs are supposed to go 5.


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If you could use that 40g as a sump that would good you should be able to fit a DSB and macro algae. it just depends on what your stand dimensions are going to be. also keep in mind that the taller the tank is from the ground the harder it will be to work inside the tank.
I can buy a stool bro. i hate the stands where the top of the tank is at eyelevel. I like my tanks a lil higher.
many people on here don't suggest bioballs. If you love them then it's certainly up to you but you can replace them with live rock if you want.
So, what are they for? if you are not using live rock? They came with the tank. Anyone else hav an aopinion on Them?
Bio-balls are ok,you just have to maintain them.I've got some in my sump to quiet the noise from the water flowing through.But I take them out every week and wash them in tap water.That keeps them from becoming part of the biological filtration.
right, with enough LR. It is great biological filtration.

We don't have any bio-balls or other filter media in our 75 gal setup with 20 gal sump. Just a lot of live rock and a good skimmer. There are many different set ups you can just pick whatever works for you!
Bioballs, like live rock, simply adds more surface area for the good anarobic bacteria that we need in our tanks. If you've got enough LR (1-2 lbs. per gallon of your DT) then adding more bioballs is doing nothin more than taking up space and adding more maintanance to your system.
Bioballs do half the job that live rock does. Both live rock and bioballs house the aerobic bacteria that convert ammonia and nitrite to nitrate. But bioballs do not house the anaerobic bacteria that convert nitrate to nitrogen gas. So if you have bioballs, nitrates tend to rise and accumulate. A lot of people with bioballs tend to have nitrate problems because of this.
Well, i may as well chuck the boiballs cuz i dont want nitrate problems. Maybe ill go down to the crazy cat ladys house
Like Biffer indicated bio balls only do so much. In a trickle filter bio balls actually work too well. They work great at turning ammonia to nitrate. They do that much better than live rock or deep sand beds. However all that nitrate stays in the tank. Skimmers do not skim much out in the presence of a trickle filter, so they remove little dissolved organics as the trickle filter turns them to nitrates so efficiently and quickly. Bio balls in a trickle filter are good for really dirty fish only tanks such as predator tanks where the elevated levels of nitrate are tolerated by the fish. Not a lot of denitrification is done by live rock, surely no where near enough to not do water changes in most reef tanks, but at least the skimmers can remove dissolved organics before they are converted to nitrates as happens with a trickle filter. There are also problems with a scum layer of dissolved organics adhering to bio balls that does not happen with live rock or live sand. Bio balls underwater in a sump are less efficient at converting ammonia to nitrates and they accumulate the scum layer which sloughs off spiking nitrate levels nearly instantaneously.