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My plan. slanting from bottom to top. Will this work?


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Ya, at my not so Lfs, that is how they did it. but it is in a 600 gal Bowfront, so theres will look better. but i think i may do it like that. idk i got alot of free time in history tomorrow. i will come up with some ideas there
That's really the only way to do it to ensure stability. It's not like you can have it slanting in the other direction, with only a little piece of rock on the bottom and huge rocks overhanging.
Your engineering diagram is a marvel of the modern age. Seriously, some people drill holes in the rock and use a metal rod to hold it vertical.
yes they use acrylic or nylon rods. i've also seen holes drilled and zip ties used but i like the rod deal more cause if you need to remove a rock you can slide it off the rod, do what you need to, and then replace it exactly how it was before.
Ya i was gona say, metal doesnt seem like the best idea. And i have another question. Is it ok to press the rock against the side and back of the Aquarium or is that a bad idea?
Alot of people place their rocks against the back glass. I dont see any problem with it as long as you got good flow behind and through the rocks so waste doesnt get trapped or any deadspots behind your rocks. Dont know about the sides...guessing the same rule applies though.
Doing your rockwork like that is ideal but its not as easy as it looks. How much rock are you putting in? The bottom of your mountain will probably get really close to your front glass. That's the problem i had with mine.I want a lot of front space and at the same time, the exact same design. With wide tanks its easy but narrow tanks, its not as easy as you think.
If you are going to go that close to the back wall you might think about puting a spray bar behind the rock wall so that you arent going to have a detrius build up or dead spot. Thats what I would do anyway.
There is a cement that is used in the Wakiki Aquarium (spelling), I think its called Vertical Thorite or something. I used it in my tank to get some crazy aquascaping angles and such. Well worth it, IMO, you have to order it from Cali or something. But it allows you to make cool structures and defy gravity with the rock, so you can have more than the sloping rock wall. I used it to keep the whole back of my tank open and the rock off the glass so that flow can get back there and I can clean it if needed. Biff will be able to see what I am talking about when she comes over on Sunday. I can get you more info if you are interested, it is a good idea if you are planing on keeping the tank in the same spot for a while.