hairy mushroom

I came home last night to find the tail of my yellow clown goby sticking out of one of my hairy mushrooms. The little bastard ate my goby. He was always perching on it. I feed my tanks regularly, but I guess he was still hungry. I am going to get another one and hope it doesnt receive the same fate.
unless it was one of those big mushroom cup corals, they eat fish, i have two different kinds of hairy mushrooms and haven't had any problems, would like to see a pic of yours to see what kind it is.
I have fed mushrooms small pieces of chopped up fish before...mind you, my yellow goby was only about an inch and the mushroom that ate him when fully opened is almost 3 inches across. I have a pic of my nano posted on a different thread.

This was the first time I have ever had a mushroom eat one of my fish also. I know that the elephant ear mushrooms are known to eat small fish. I have a picture in a book that shows one eating a Banghaai Cardinal fish.


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I had Rhodactis mushrooms in the past,similar to yours that did eat small pieces of shrimp and mysis but never anything alive.My guess is it died and the mushroom anemone ate the dead body.
yeah i got those kind and another kind of hairy mushroom that doesn't get that big. those kind you have can get up to 6 inches across, i've seen some really big ones at lfs
I have those same shrooms. They are really cool. I had an elephant ear that ate a fish that tried to rest on it. I suppose they are still technically a type of anemone, so, anything is possible

My goby was healthy. He was very active swimming around and perching on the soft mushrooms. I replaced the dead one yesterday with a citrinis goby that appears to be almost fully grown. The yellow clown was very small so I can see how the mushroom was able to eat him.
yeah mushrooms are considered anenomes, and do have sting ability so they can eat fish if small enough, plus when i feed my big hairy mushrooms they close up pretty quick.
Mushrooms can sting,i knew they were called disk anomones but i thought that was just a myth ? I never knew that i guess u learn somthing every day :). how come ive never been stung and i handle them all the times when i frag em?
nem stings equate slime. That slimy feeling you get when handling the nems and shrooms are the sting. The only nem that actually harms humans, that I know of, are carpet nems

It stings if the slime gets in your bloodstream through an open cut. Don't believe me? Go ahead and try it!

EDIT: Actually, don't try it.
you can have a very bad reaction to the toxin like some body that is allergic to bees. or it could be bad enough that it could kill you. zoos will make you sick to.