New reef tank


Reefing newb
I'm very new to this hobby and it's just 3 months since I've set up my tank. This is a total DIY set up since I live in Sri Lanka most of the saltwater aquarium equipment is not available. I've set up my biological filtering in a sump with 70 pounds of dead coral, 3x Bio marine poly filter pads, 2 large packs of carbon and a JAD 150G skimmer. I've used a deep live sand bed. Currently running 4x 4ft T5 tubes as lighting and led moonlights with 2x wave makers. Since I've got the dead coral out of a bigger established tank and water from the sea (Kida live close to beach) I added few corals and fish during 3 months period. I don't know much about the corals but I think I have a star polyps coral, SPS coral, and some leather coral with a lionfish and a bubble tip anemone. Since I'm so new to the hobby please let me know if I should change anything or add anything new to the set up.



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This is just a personal preference, but, I'd get rid of the crushed coral and just stick with sand. I don't like it. Also, what type of lights are you using? Are they meant for aquariums? If not, the reflectors on them are probably not very good for growing corals. I really like your Lionfish, but that really limits the selection of fish you can put with him. How big is your tank? And, on a last note, you should move this thread over to Tank Showcase :). Welcome and good luck! :mrgreen:
Also, I'd add some LR (Live Rock) or BR (Base Rock[Dead Rock]) to your tank. Bigger pieces so you can build a aquascape with it. A good thing to remember with rock structures is Shelves for corals and Arches/Caves for fish (to swim through/hide in when scared)
Also, I'd add some LR (Live Rock) or BR (Base Rock[Dead Rock]) to your tank. Bigger pieces so you can build a aquascape with it. A good thing to remember with rock structures is Shelves for corals and Arches/Caves for fish (to swim through/hide in when scared)

It's 48"x24"x24" so bit more than 100G with the sump. I would love to add live rock but the problem is I cannot find it anywhere in my country since the reefs around our island is protected by the government and even if you get sand from sea and get caught it's couple of months in jail LOL. I tried but it's kida impossible to get live rock shipped internationally. I was wondering how many fish and coral i can add with this tank and filtration?
Ok for live rock, stick some dead rock in there and it will eventually turn live. And, a good rule of thumb is 1 fish per 10 gallons (although larger fish count for more). So, maybe 2 other decent sized fish? Not sure exactly. Your live rock would of been your filtration.
Ok for live rock, stick some dead rock in there and it will eventually turn live. And, a good rule of thumb is 1 fish per 10 gallons (although larger fish count for more). So, maybe 2 other decent sized fish? Not sure exactly. Your live rock would of been your filtration.

yap sure but I thought the dead coral in sump will become good filter media with the growth of bacteria. Anyways I'm still searching for live rock, will add soon as I find. I was also thinking of adding a Bluering angel and a powder blue tang.
Neither of those fish would do well in your tank. They need much more space.

And you should add more rock to your display tank to provide places for your fish to hide. It's not all about the biological filtration, though that is a part of it.
Neither of those fish would do well in your tank. They need much more space.

And you should add more rock to your display tank to provide places for your fish to hide. It's not all about the biological filtration, though that is a part of it.

Yap I'll be adding rocks soon. Since that type of fish ain't compatible, which type of fish you suggest I should add?
I have no idea, that lion fish really limits what you can pair up with. Maybe a snowflake eel? If you get a small one they are like 8-12".

yah true, he even ate half of my cleaning crew. I might give it away. Anyways I added a small powder blue tang. Hmm I've never seen snowflake eels here maybe they might not be in local reefs and I buy all my fish from fishermen. But tessalata eel is damn common and cheap here, can get a good size one for less than US$ 5.
hope you have a well fitting lid, Those snowflakes are escape artists.... I lost 2 of them due to dime size gaps where my pipes when into my tank.
To be honest, I'd get rid of the Lion and make a community tank. Predator tanks are cool, but limited selection as to what you can put in it. Get a couple of Clowns when you get rid of the lion? :)
To be honest, I'd get rid of the Lion and make a community tank. Predator tanks are cool, but limited selection as to what you can put in it. Get a couple of Clowns when you get rid of the lion? :)

Yap I can. But I already had a full grown Clark's clownfish. It was damn aggressive, killed one of my small butterfly fish and kept on digging the sand bed so the sand was all over the corals. I had to put it back in the sea. Maybe I should get a smaller one, a less aggressive breed. :)
Ocellaris and Percula clowns are much less aggressive (IMO) then most other breeds of clwon. Also, if you decide to keep the Lion, I'd keep an eye on him with that tang. Lions can eat some pretty large fish (almost the same size as their own body) without thinking twice. Also, if you decide to keep him. One of the few fish I can think of to be housed with him are Triggers. But, I don't think your tank is anywhere near big enough for most triggers unless you get them small, raise them for a bit, and then release them and get a new one. Either way, good luck with your tank! :)
I've added couple of new fish and setting up a new refugium with miracle mud. This is not ecosystems miracle mud, it's straight pulled off from sea. I need to know when setting up an refugium what type of plants should I put there?
Nice additions, how much do they cost you since local fisherman catch them? Is it cheaper then buying them from the store?

Well in here they only export but they don't sell it to local market so there is no aquarium here with saltwater fish, so I got no clue how much it will cost. For all the fishes including a green bubble tip anemone it costed me roughly US$10 :P I'm guessing that's pretty good price. :)