Need some help or suggestions


Reef pro
Originally when i set up my tank i was under the impression that someone would be at my apartment all summer to take care of the fish. I would be there the first 6 weeks during my field session, and the last 6 weeks the roommates would still be living there.

Now, my roommates are planning on leaving as soon as the field session is over, and i have plans to go back to work for the zoo. I really cant give up my position at the zoo because 1. its very rare for some like me to get that position, and i need the experience to get into vet school. 2. they are expecting me.

Im just going to take the tiny tank with me, but i dont know what to do with my larger tank. I was thinking maybe just find someone who could take my fish for the summer and leave it full while im going. I would have to find someone to come in and top off the tank once a week. So just leave the light schedule going so the macro can grow, and be chill etc . . .

But, who is going to take 2 or 6 seahorses? I dont know?!?!?!

Any other ideas, suggestions?
No, unless they have very special training most vets deal with mammals. I dont know of any in the denver area that could take are of them.
Is there anyone in your area that does tank maintenance? Since I live in a military town my LFS offers a service where if any one deploys for $50/month they'll come to your house 3x a week too topoff, feed your fish, and do water changes twice a month.
Is there anyone in your area that does tank maintenance? Since I live in a military town my LFS offers a service where if any one deploys for $50/month they'll come to your house 3x a week too topoff, feed your fish, and do water changes twice a month.

To me, that sounds like a great price for 3 visits a week.
I imagine your LFS might be willing to keep them if you arrange to pay them "rent" or something.

My LFS actually let a customer rent out one of their DT because the customers tank had a leak...

I would think if there was money involved that someone would want to do that for you.