Project5k and the new 75Gal salt tank

yea, i should do that... maybe if i remember i'll set up the webcam on a time lapse setting, that way i can set it and forget it.. cause if its up to ME to remember to take pictures, we wont get any till its done.. I will forget. i have before, and i will again.

Ted's comming over to help me move my tank from the old stand to the new one...

Heres a thought.. what does everyone think about us trading a given amount of rock... my thinking is that if he has a "good" tank, ie no aipstasia or other pests, and i dont either, then why not trade like 5lbs of established rock to help increase the bio diversity in both our tanks...

good idea?
bad idea?
oh yea, i'm sure that i'm gonna set off another mini cycle, but i got so luckey when i moved the tank that i'm hoping that i can follow the exact same procedure and not have a catrostrophic failure.

but that didnt answer the question...
I dont see what it would hurt.
And as long as your careful about disturbing the sand as little as possible,you may not have any problems at all.
Go ahead!!

Bio diversity is good. Especially since alot of yours is man made.
Plus if you are gonna set of a mini cycle, the 5lbs of LR wont make it worse Especially if Ted keeps his rocks wet.

well yea thats what i was thinking, my plan is to drain the tank down to the rocks, then get the rocks out and into the trashcan where i just syphoned the water into, then catch the fish, put them in the cooler, then drain the rest of the water, down to maybe an inch over the sand, move the tank, and reverse the procedure... so nothing should be dry for more than just a few seconds... plus, i'm gonna add all the new home made rock when we're going back together, its all "base" rock for now, so it shouldnt affect the water quality..

oh, and just as a point of reference, as of right now my tank is about 50/50 store bought rock, and what i made, after tomorrow, the store bought rock % will be much smaller, cause i've got about 100lbs of rock to add... i may not use all of it, i may, just depends on how it looks... the rest will go into the new sump once its built and up and running. unless Ted wants some...

oh, the other thing that i was thinking about, while we're on the subject of the sand, i was thinking about sinking some eggcrate under the back half of the tank, down in the sand, just to give the rocks something other than sand and glass to sit on... that way i could pull the sand foward in the tank, press the eggy down to the bottom, and then push the sand back to just barely cover the eggy, then put in the rocks, then fill in around them with the sand i moved, that way im not messing with it any more than i have to, but i'm also improving the safety of the tank...

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That should make the rock work more stable. Only good. Sounds like your plan for the move is solid. Look forward to seeing the DIY rock in your tank. Good luck on the move!
Well I would love to trade rock however I am fighting aiptsia. Just killed 2 more:grumble: 4 yesterday :frustrat: so dont think it would be a good thing for your tank. All this because I didnt know what it was when it first started. I saw this living thing on this rock I spent 58 bucks on was such a pretty purple rock. Then I was so excited about this new Hitch hiker I even feed the dam thing for a while. Then I joined here found out what it was and have been killing them ever since. Oh well was a very hard lesson. The real pain in the ass every time I go to the lfs they just sold out of peppermint shrimp. I have even left my number for them to call and they never have.
every time I have some money I have hidden from my wife the lfs is out. I am going to have to get some online I guess.
do you have any peppermint shrimp? I got 4 of them from DFS and never seen any aiptasia since.

This. I bought three peppermints for my 30g the same day I ordered some Joe's Juice, but by the time it arrived in the mail all the aiptasia were gone. :bounce:
Well I would love to trade rock however I am fighting aiptsia. Just killed 2 more:grumble: 4 yesterday :frustrat: so dont think it would be a good thing for your tank. All this because I didnt know what it was when it first started. I saw this living thing on this rock I spent 58 bucks on was such a pretty purple rock. Then I was so excited about this new Hitch hiker I even feed the dam thing for a while. Then I joined here found out what it was and have been killing them ever since. Oh well was a very hard lesson. The real pain in the ass every time I go to the lfs they just sold out of peppermint shrimp. I have even left my number for them to call and they never have.

Aiptasia remind me of the freakin' plant from Little Shop of Horrors. They nice and cute when you find them, then suddenly they're all singing and eating your friends.
Well I would love to trade rock however I am fighting aiptsia.

appreceiate the honesty, and we can do that part another time

Dcan, i dont know if you were aware, but i already have a lot of home made rock in my tank.. i have pictures... if you havent seen them...

not being a smart ass, just stating facts.. KWIM?

so, Ted, you on your way?
The move is done!
Ted, Dude, i owe you one. This is a guy, that comes over, busts his ass on his day off, just to help out some guy totaly tear down and move and reset up a reef tank, and having a blast while doing it. This guy is a reefer, balls to bones. Thank you Ted, he made this soooo much less stressful for me...

so, after all the sweat, blood, and OH CRAP! moments. the tank is back and better then ever, high atop its new pedistal, (doors to come in the future)

the second batch of my home made rock was mixed in with the true live rock and the first batch to create a central island of rock, thus promoting good flow all the way around the tank.. (thanks again Ted, (i asked him to arrange the rocks for me cause i have the artistic talent of a 12 year old playing tetris) and he created this sculpture.

tanks a little clowdy from moving it with about 2 inches of water still in the tank over the sand... thats ok, its clearing pretty quickly... and yes we did end up putting the eggcrate down under the sand and under the rocks, makes for a really sturdy base for the rocks, and dosent make "THAT" sound that rock makes when you accidentally hit it against the tank. I think it was a good move.

Its perfect, the middle of the tank vertically is right at standing eye height, give or take an inch or to, (i'm short) so now i dont have to spend time bent over, i can stand comfortably and watch my fishy friends. I'm gonna need to invest in a small stepladder tho, cause WOW the top of the tank is way up there now...

new sump and fuge to come in the future, but for now just the minimum to get it all back up and running as fast as possible, the plumbing needs to get a little cleaned up, but again i can tinker with that over the next few days/weeks. I'll shut up now, and let you check out the pictures. I think its georgeous.


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Was alot of fun. Once the water clears will really be something to see. This guy knows how to make rock yall. If you have any questions he is the one to go to. He even gave me some for the nano build :D
cant say thanks enough, and your more than welcome for the rock, wish you woulda taken more.

oh, and we even traded fish books, i had one he wanted to read, but didnt have, and he had one for me, so we traded, totally awesome, even brought over some salt to help me out with the water, cause i'm a little short till payday... what a guy.

had a blast, learned a bunch, had some lunch and made a good aquarium even more awesomer-er-er-er hehehehe
Looks awesome! I see you have light under your stand too. I'm so glad i did that with mine. Definitely going to do it on the new one, too. What did you use? I just used those round under-cabinet halogen lights that look like hockey pucks.