Do I need a heater for my 8 gal tank?


Reefing newb
The sales associates at the lfs (who specialize in only saltwater tanks/reefs/fish) said I can buy a heater if I want.........!??!?

Confusing much?! I think so!

I live in Southern California (South Bay area) so it's not like the temperature goes up or down to an extreme on any given day/month/season- inside the apt and out. So should I invest in a small heater?


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Your temperature is perfect. You will need to get a heater if you start seeing swings between day and night. But if it's staying stable, within a few degrees, you are fine without one.
i realize it's only 8g... but i would invest in a heater, as a simple means of insurance. with the amount of money you'll be putting in your tank, what's $20 to make sure your temp doesn't drop?
Because the risk of the heater malfunctioning without her knowing and nuking the tank is larger than the risk of the home AC or heater going out without her knowing. I think if she doesn't need one, she's better off not having one.
I know in So Cal we only have two seasons, summer and two weeks of winter in December :mrgreen:, but...there are some cold nights during those two nights where the temps can drop to a whopping upper 40's :mrgreen:x2, even in Redondo; for those days I would say, get one, but for right now, if you're not cranking the A/C, you should be fine. My only question, not having any experience with micro-tanks...don't temp changes happen fairly quickly?
I know in So Cal we only have two seasons, summer and two weeks of winter in December :mrgreen:, but...there are some cold nights during those two nights where the temps can drop to a whopping upper 40's :mrgreen:x2, even in Redondo; for those days I would say, get one, but for right now, if you're not cranking the A/C, you should be fine. My only question, not having any experience with micro-tanks...don't temp changes happen fairly quickly?

stability, buy a decent 25-50w heater.
I know in So Cal we only have two seasons, summer and two weeks of winter in December :mrgreen:, but...there are some cold nights during those two nights where the temps can drop to a whopping upper 40's :mrgreen:x2, even in Redondo; for those days I would say, get one, but for right now, if you're not cranking the A/C, you should be fine. My only question, not having any experience with micro-tanks...don't temp changes happen fairly quickly?

I've read & heard many mixed reviews on that exact question. But I'm keeping my tank at the same temp as the water I purchase from the store, so hopefully slight temp differences won't kill my whole tank.

Also, my apt is temperature controlled... maybe that will keep the water at the right temp... maybe?? :sfish:
I just want to emphaasize the sudden temperature chanegs are worse than temperature changes that are too high or low. I think you'll need a heater if you have cold nights.
I just want to emphaasize the sudden temperature chanegs are worse than temperature changes that are too high or low. I think you'll need a heater if you have cold nights.

but we don't really have sudden temperature changes because southern cali is just weird that way... and the temp is very stable inside because I have an exotic bird who stays at a steady temp 24/7

I'll look into a heater if it gets too cold. :) thanks for everyone's advice.
Also, my apt is temperature controlled... maybe that will keep the water at the right temp... maybe?? :sfish:

The fact that your apt. is temp. controlled means that your tank will stay the same temp. as your apt. Also, if you buy your water from the LFS a day or two before you need it and leave it in your apt., then that water will be the same temp as the water your tank...Room Tempreture. I personally just like having my apartment temp. lower than my tank water temp., but as many have said....your fine, unless there is a cold snap and your heat goes out or if you crank your heat up to 85 or something.
Corals and fish can tolerate and survive colder temperatures for short periods of time better than they can high temperatures. The change needs to be gradual.

I once received a shipment of corals two days late because it sat at the cargo shed at the airport due to bad weather. When I finally got the order and opened it the water temperature was in the upper 40's. I thought they were goners for sure but I went ahead and acclimated them slower than usual and placed then in my tank. Much to my surprise almost all of them lived.
The fact that your apt. is temp. controlled means that your tank will stay the same temp. as your apt. Also, if you buy your water from the LFS a day or two before you need it and leave it in your apt., then that water will be the same temp as the water your tank...Room Tempreture. I personally just like having my apartment temp. lower than my tank water temp., but as many have said....your fine, unless there is a cold snap and your heat goes out or if you crank your heat up to 85 or something.

Do I need to purchase a pump to keep the store bought lfs water moving while it comes to the right temperature (a day or 2) before adding it to my tank?
I have another question... when should I do my first water change? I set my tank up on Saturday..... also, any tips to make it an easy process? (it's only an 8 gallon tank)
I don't think that would be necessary. I don't myself and I don't think others do either at least for top off water.


It's just water, in fact, if it's R/ should be nothing but water, and thus, shouldn't matter if it sits or not. The only reason I could see possibly circulating sitting fresh water would be if you your PH buffer separates or clumps at the bottom, but I would think that would have to be some pretty old/bad buffer to do that.