Test kits are a pain!!!


Reef enthusiast
Looks like my test for calcium is NFG. I consistantly test at 480-500, however my lfs tests at 300-350. I'm assuming mine is bad, or else his entire clientile would be coming in low. Guess I'll have to buy another.
Calcium test kits can be tricky.I did it wrong forever before I figured it out.Its not a bad idea to have two kits from different companies.
My nitrate is off too, but not bad. My test kit reads 5-10, and theirs reads 2. But the calcium is significant enough that I thought I was at the upper limit when in fact I was way too low
huh. i struggled at the start cuz reading directions was tough 4 me. once i did the test "right", my levels started working better, but i am dumb like that

I have tested calcium three times in a row and have gotten three different results. I would love to throw the freaking test kit out the window, but calcium monitors are so freaking expensive (to me anyway, i'm poor) but, I guess they would pay for themselves in time.
The only Salifert test kits I have are calcium and nitrate. I too have had problems with the cheaper brands and them not being accurate for those two tests in particular. So I spent a little more to feel more confident that my readings were spot on.
I have a Red Sea calcium test kit.
I did the test so many times before I realize that I never put the plastic tip on the 1ml syringe and didn't read it at the end of the plunger.I was reading it at the end of whatever liquid was still left.
salifert all the way. that is what every fish store I trust uses. that is all I buy. I want to be sure I am getting accurate readings.

Doc, can we all send you a water samle so you can test our water? I would like to see how the salifert compares to AP before I spend lots of money on new test kits.
sure. Can't promise I will get to it before it starts to smell like my grandma's panties though. I think that tends to effect the test....bad panties...I mean water! :death:

I'm going to venture to say your water will not be so good by the time it gets to doc. is there something that you can get that I don't know about that digitally and correctly tests stuff so you can get rid of the damn test kits we use?
I'm going to venture to say your water will not be so good by the time it gets to doc. is there something that you can get that I don't know about that digitally and correctly tests stuff so you can get rid of the damn test kits we use?

Sure,they make digital calcium probe and other probes too.Pinpoint makes one,its only $250,I think.
even if they do, I wouldn't buy one. Testing my water pleases the little scientist in me. I feel kinda important swishing around water in my test vials.
