What type of algae is this?


Reefing newb
Hello, recently this algae has began to grow in my aquarium and now it is starting to take over the aquarium! Should I get rid of it? and if so how?


I assume you're talking about the green algae which is hair algea (the pink stuff is cyano). Both are no good.

Can we get some more information from you? How old is the tank? How long has it been set up? What you're lighting like? What are your parameters? What's your stock list? What kind of equipment are you running?
My aquarium is six months old, my lighting is AquaticLife Edge Led (I recently updated my lighting and right after is when the algae started to appear) I have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrates, and 0 nitrites, and I have two clownfish and a green chromis.
A better light source could increase the amount of algae for a while. If you have green hair algae and cyano, then there is a nutrient problem in you system. Do you have a GFO reactor? How big is your system and what if your skimmer rated for? For the green hair algae, emerald crabs should keep it in check.