What is this on my live rock?


Reefing newb
Hi ! im new to this forum i was just wanting to ask what you think it is on the photo ive posted the trumpet looking thing in the middle on the live rock it opens when the lights are on and shuts when there off.... some sort of coral? any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


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That is a button polyp (palythoa); a type of coral. No special care/feeding is needed for it, as long as it has good lighting.
I have one of these on my rocks, too....I'm pretty sure it will die/is already dead, though. I didn't see it before I bought it at the LFS and spotted it when I got home....I won't have the lights up and running until the end of this week so I feel it's likely it will die. Too bad. :-\
Well if it survives that's great but I'm not holding out any hopes. It's already been in there 3 days and best case scenario is another 5 days.
Well if it survives that's great but I'm not holding out any hopes. It's already been in there 3 days and best case scenario is another 5 days.

I have done a complete black out on my tank for over a week. Didn't cause any harm to the corals at all. So you would be surprised.