what does it mean to dose coral(s)

Well, you don't dose corals. You dose your tank because if you have LOTS of corals, they will consume the calcium, magnesium, and other elements faster than you can replenish them with regular water changes.

A general rule is, if you don't test for it, you don't dose for it. It is very easy to screw up your water quality if you over dose ending up in a crashed tank.
You dose a tank (usually with a 'two part' solution) when the corals you have are using Calcium and Alkalinity faster than you can replace it with water changes. If your calcium and alkilinity readings are normal, you do not need to dose

If you are not testing for Cal/Alk you should also not be dosing
Really you would only think about dosing if you have a consistent issue. If you are testing for all the various "standard" things and one, two or even 1/2 a dozen test come up iffy, you really shouldn't be dosing. Just keep up weekly water changes and things should get back in line. Things don't go out of balance in a few minutes and dosing to correct a slight variance is not a good answer. It may take several water changes to workl out an issue.

I do dose a 2 part system. My pH, dKH and Ca were out of line for a LONG time...months in fact....before I even started thinking about dosing. While dosing I am trying to figure out why these were out and when I do find the answer I'll stop dosing. In the mean time, I test every other day.