what do you know...another problem


they call me fish geek ;p
So I got a yellow hogfish and a six line wrasse. Problem is when I got home from work today the hogfish was stuck to the back of one of my powerheads and the wrasse is nowhere to be found. I have two koralia 425gph in the top right and left corners. And the hogfish didn't seem unhealthy. And is this normal for the wrasse to disappear? I don't have any openings for it to jump out of and I didn't see it behind any rocks but I can't take all my rocks out to look for him either. Idk I am so frustrated...I just want to enjoy my tank and I keep having these little set backs. Any advice would help. Thanks.
Sorry to hear about your hogfish. :(

How did you acclimate the new fish?

It's very normal for sixlines to hide in the rock. If you can't find a body around the tank, he's still in there somewhere. I wouldn't go looking for him -- just wait and see if he turns up.

Hang in there, I know this is frustrating. It will get better, I promise. These are normal problems that people have all the time -- you are not alone!
I used the drip method. For about an hour. The hogfish is back to swimming around thank goodness. Is it normal for a fish to get stuck to a powerhead? Maybe o positioned them wrong? Any ideas ik where to place them to make a good flow of water? The wrasse I have no idea. It must be hiding behind the rocks.
So I woke up this morning and they were both out and swimming around. I kept the powerhead off for the night until I can figure out how to position them so they don't push The fish around. Every time I turn even one of the fish fly around the tank kinda and it doesn't seem like they like it. Is there a certain way to set it up so they are being pushed in the current. The fish I have are to Ocellaris clowns, a yell hogfish and a six line wrasse. And when they are on the clowns scare the crap out of me bc they will go right up behind the ph and I'm afraid they will get stuck too.
Dont worry about it mate, my clowns play in the powerhead all the time, no problems yet. And they play in the 750gph.
The only thing that got stuck to it was my shrimps molt! :p
Thats the same size powerheads I have and I dont think its to much flow.

I have one about middle ways up blowing right to left then I have one in the back left side little higher blowing to the front. You dont want to create a whirlpool as long as you dont see the water swirling at the top you should be ok.
Thanks amber. I will try that set up today. I think I did make a whirlpool and they are getting sucked into it. Oops.
Normally, healthy fish won't get stuck to powerheads. But from what you describe, your fish seem to be just fine. I'm glad to hear they are both out and about! Try moving the powerheads, and hopefully that will solve the problem.
I rearranged my ph kinda like you did amber and it seems to he working. The left side has higher flow while the right has a more mellow flow so the fish can always go over there if they get tired of swimming fast. Here's a picture. I plan on adding another large live rock for the right corner and small ones for the front but this is how it is four now.


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Powerhead placement should be fine. Looks good, flow isnt an issue for sure. I have 2 1400's and one 750 powerhead in my 75. Yours sounds about right.
I rearranged my ph kinda like you did amber and it seems to he working. The left side has higher flow while the right has a more mellow flow so the fish can always go over there if they get tired of swimming fast. Here's a picture. I plan on adding another large live rock for the right corner and small ones for the front but this is how it is four now.

Looks good.

My LFS told me to throw in something light weight light and watch how it swirls around. If it blows around then lands in a dead area slightly move the power heads to make sure you have no areas that allow waste to sit.
Oh that's a good idea! I will try that. It doesn't look like i have any totally dead spots bc all my corals are waving around.
I have a total of 700 gph of flow in my 29G and the flow is good but no one pump puts out more than about 350 gph. I think those Koralias may be too strong if they are holding fish down.
They were at first bc I had them positioned wrong but they are good now. There's good flow and the fish are able to swim.