water weld putty for attaching frags to rock


they call me fish geek ;p
Okay so remember how my super glue wouldn't work? Well I went out and looked for the epoxy and all I could find was water weld putty and its safe for drinking water and what not so I gave it a shot. What I did was dry the rock the frag is on and put some superglue on it then put my little ball of putty on the glue and then put some glue on the putty and it worked! The glue instantly bonded with the rock and it kept the putty stuck in place until it hardened. I recommend this for a permanent stick. Its very strong and easy.
Should be ok, but just for giggles dont add anymore and watch you levels, just in case. I'd hate to see it react...
Deff I am going to monitor just in case. I've read a lot online of people using it and it being fine so I'm sure its all good but better safe than sorry right. Saltwater isn't a cheap hobby lol
lol yea I will blame biff if anything happens lol. No ill blame all the stores I went to for not carrying anything I looked up online. I was starting to get mad that I couldn't find a thing you guys recommended lol