water test

Ammonia nitrite nitrate, pH, calcium magnesium .... last two are for corals only really. Copper test kit for treating sick fish, if you treat with copper.
i found this at walmart..would you recommend it? this is what the kit has

Tetra Laborett Master Aquarium Water Test Kit: Contains Tests For:

  • Freshwater PH
  • Saltwater PH
  • Carbonate and general hardness
  • Nitrite ammonia
  • Carbon dioxide
Testing Kit Includes:
  • Reagents
  • Two test vials
  • Water withdrawal syringe
  • Color scales and instruction booklets with recommendations and helpful hints
+1 cathic. tetra is ok stuff or fresh water, but not saltwater. the carbonate test is probably not good for SW at all, and any test that combines nitrite and ammonia is bound to be inaccurate for our purposes as well. and you'd never use the CO2 test, that's mostly for freshwater planted tanks.

Go with API test kits. they have handy beginner sets that have most of what you need. You'll also need a way to test salinity-- highly recommend a refractometer instead of a hydrometer.
I second the refractometer over the hydrometer. My hydrometer read 1.026 the day before I got my refractometer. The refractometer read 1.030!
+1 everyone. Is your tank already setup and done cycling? If you are not going full reef (w/ corals), you really need just ammonia, nitrite, PH, and nitrates, at least. You can get a phosphate test kit, as well, but I really only check nitrates (since my tank's established).
+1 everyone. Is your tank already setup and done cycling? If you are not going full reef (w/ corals), you really need just ammonia, nitrite, PH, and nitrates, at least. You can get a phosphate test kit, as well, but I really only check nitrates (since my tank's established).

I have to test the water first. But I think it should be, considering its been a month and a half since i started it. Im going to buy a master kit to test it. Would it be good to add another fish and maybe a coral if the tank is only 1 month and a half old?
oh ok. just want to make sure i dont end up wasting money by buying something that will die right away. LFS told me that it was ok to put in any coral
Well, not just any coral. Some need established tanks. I'm stricly fish only, but I'm sure someone here can recommend a good first coral for you. What kind of lights do you have? Red Mushrooms, I know, are very very hardy. But there are other more interesting choices :)