Water temperature over 100 degrees...


Reefing newb
OK, I got home early this morning and went to bed. This morning around 9ish, I went to my DT and saw no signs of life in my tank....except my clown and tiger goby swimming around. My anemones were retracted...I was wondering what was happening. Then I touched the water and it was hot. Of course, I quickly began emptying out the water in an attempt to cool it down. I tested all the parameters and was fine, just the temperature. To make the long story short, I discovered my heater for the tank malfunctioned. As I touch the heater in the tank, it was super hot and burnt my finger a little.
Now, I changed out the water, removed the dead fish shrimp and others...:(

My question is, will my anemone recover? Is there anything I can do to help it? Funny, the hermit crabs and snails are still alive...

It was a frantic and :(:sad:sad day for me...

Any advice will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Oh wow....that sucks :( Have you been able to bring the temp down? Maybe a ziplock bag of ice as well. It's a wait-and-see moment if the corals all come back out. How many fish did you lose? Amazing the clown and goby made it!
Sorry to hear this it is very sad.

Its best not to shock the system by cooling it down too fast either. I would keep a watch on the anemone and see if it is moving around tomorrow.
Oh wow....that sucks :( Have you been able to bring the temp down? Maybe a ziplock bag of ice as well. It's a wait-and-see moment if the corals all come back out. How many fish did you lose? Amazing the clown and goby made it!

well i lost a bi-color blenny, corral banded shrimp, fire fish goby, feather duster, blue legged hermit crab, and two snails (turbo snail survived). =-(

as i mentioned, i believed the temp was over 100 degrees, since the temp gage was not even registering the temp at all. the temp just blew the roof top.

i panic a bit and emptied approx 75-80 percent of the water. then i filled it back up with newly mixed salt water. my tank looks and feels fine now, but, all of my polyps and anemone are all closed.

i hope my corrals and [FONT=&quot]anemone[/FONT] will make it. i'll give it some time to recuperate...
i panic a bit and emptied approx 75-80 percent of the water. then i filled it back up with newly mixed salt water.

Yeah, that's a bit much....hope the nem makes it, too because its death can wipe out the rest of the inhabitants.

Next time, just do the ice in a bag trick, but I hope you don't have to go through it again.
Yeah, that's a bit much....hope the nem makes it, too because its death can wipe out the rest of the inhabitants.

Next time, just do the ice in a bag trick, but I hope you don't have to go through it again.

thanks! i will watch the nem closely...crossing my fingers...
That's terrible! I hate when heaters malfunction. Hopefully everything will recover just fine :)
What kind of heater was it? The Marineland heaters were recently recalled due to this problem. A lot of people had problems with them. One of our members was able to get Marineland to reimburse her for the cost of all of her lost livestock.
What kind of heater was it? The Marineland heaters were recently recalled due to this problem. A lot of people had problems with them. One of our members was able to get Marineland to reimburse her for the cost of all of her lost livestock.

yup, mine was a marineland...and got it, i think less than a year ago. let me go look for the receipt or transaction on my credit card...
thanks for the info...
for me, i lost a lot. right now, my GSP look kinda bad. it has not open at all. prior to this, it was healthy. also mushrooms when opened were like inch and a half in diameter. it has shrunk to the size of a eraser yip of a pencil...shriveled up...
definitely, i will look in the Marineland heater recall.

If you have anymore info on the recall and the member who got reimburse, please let me know....

Thanks in advance.

Ok, I am sooo sorry to hear about your tank! I just recently went through the same thing, and I lost EVERYTHING! Not even the live rock survived>|< R.I.P., but you are possibly in luck! I reported my situation to marineland and this is what they told me to do:
1) Give a detailed letter about your tank and heater (when you set it up, size of your set-up, animals, frequency of wc's, LR, lighting, position of heater, additives added, etc.), and THE MORE DETAILED THE BETTER!
2) Pics of your tank if you have them
3) Get a receipt/estimate of the livestock you had in your tank with letterhead (I got that from my lfs)
4) Send the heater
5) Your return name and address

Then I Mailed it all to:

United Pets Group
3001 Commerce Street
Blacksburg, VA 24060

I would call them @ (800)322-1266 too just so they have a record of your situation. They fully reimbursed me within a month of filing the claim for all the livestock lost in my tank. I know it's not the same as what you had, because I had to start over from scratch, but it's good to know Marineland is such a good company...GOOD LUCK!!
Ok, I am sooo sorry to hear about your tank! I just recently went through the same thing, and I lost EVERYTHING! Not even the live rock survived>|< R.I.P., but you are possibly in luck! I reported my situation to marineland and this is what they told me to do:
1) Give a detailed letter about your tank and heater (when you set it up, size of your set-up, animals, frequency of wc's, LR, lighting, position of heater, additives added, etc.), and THE MORE DETAILED THE BETTER!
2) Pics of your tank if you have them
3) Get a receipt/estimate of the livestock you had in your tank with letterhead (I got that from my lfs)
4) Send the heater
5) Your return name and address

Then I Mailed it all to:

United Pets Group
3001 Commerce Street
Blacksburg, VA 24060

I would call them @ (800)322-1266 too just so they have a record of your situation. They fully reimbursed me within a month of filing the claim for all the livestock lost in my tank. I know it's not the same as what you had, because I had to start over from scratch, but it's good to know Marineland is such a good company...GOOD LUCK!!

Much thanks! I just finished reading your posts sent by Wontonflip on the incident you had with your heater.
I will do what you did. I will look for my receipt or proof of purchase. I hope they will come through for me, as they did for you. As I am typing, I can remember vividly what happened this morning. The water temperature was extremely high and when I put my fingers around it, I pulled away from the heater quickly due to my reflex...It was blazing hot.

Anyhow, thanks for your help!
Thanks to everyone's words of comfort and help.

I will post what my outcome is in dealing with Marineland.

Stay tune.

Alright, one thing accomplished. I located the receipt...it was in the DT's cabinet. I actually purchased the Marineland ML-200W Stealth PR on 10/23/10 for $38.95. I will call them first chance I get tomorrow.

Good luck, grd! How're the surviving fish and coral doing? I'm amazed they survived!

I have 2 marineland stealths. Never had issues, but obviously, didn't want to take the chance of continued use. I switched them to a pair of via aqua titanium heaters, w/ external controls. I still kept my marinelands. I use them only to heat up my change-out water, and when I do that, I'm nearby and checking on the temp every couple of hours anyway.
Ok, I am sooo sorry to hear about your tank! I just recently went through the same thing, and I lost EVERYTHING! Not even the live rock survived>|< R.I.P., but you are possibly in luck! I reported my situation to marineland and this is what they told me to do:
1) Give a detailed letter about your tank and heater (when you set it up, size of your set-up, animals, frequency of wc's, LR, lighting, position of heater, additives added, etc.), and THE MORE DETAILED THE BETTER!
2) Pics of your tank if you have them
3) Get a receipt/estimate of the livestock you had in your tank with letterhead (I got that from my lfs)
4) Send the heater
5) Your return name and address

Then I Mailed it all to:

United Pets Group
3001 Commerce Street
Blacksburg, VA 24060

I would call them @ (800)322-1266 too just so they have a record of your situation. They fully reimbursed me within a month of filing the claim for all the livestock lost in my tank. I know it's not the same as what you had, because I had to start over from scratch, but it's good to know Marineland is such a good company...GOOD LUCK!!

Well, I just got off the phone with the customer service rep. He basically told me exactly what you told me. I will send in my claim with a copy of my receipt, and a list of livestock I had along with a letter from a fish store listing the estimated cost to each of my items I lost. If the store will not do that, I can get a business card from them. Marineland will then call them. This will take approximately 4-6 weeks, according to the rep on the phone.

Thus far, I am happy with Marineland's policy in dealing with this. The guy apologized and even said, the reimbursement if approved would not replace my lost. Now, I just got to go to my LFS.

Will still keep everyone updated.

Thanks to everyone for your assistance.:D

I'm glad to hear so many positive things about how they've handled this. It's a big hit to a company's bottom line, and their response has been outstanding.
I'm glad to hear so many positive things about how they've handled this. It's a big hit to a company's bottom line, and their response has been outstanding.

Yup, excellent response. The rep said there's no way they can communicate to everyone that purchased one of their stealth heaters. Again, very sympathetic and professional.
I guess that stealth heater was not stealth after all. It sure made itself known. I am quite sure they realize that it is cheaper to reimburse the customers than having a class action lawsuit. Nevertheless, Marineland is topnotch in handling the matter...

Now, on my way to my LFS...Let's see if the guy can help me out.

I uploaded a pic of my tank showing the condition from the defected heater, which killed nearly everything...my tiger and clown fish survived for now. the large LV rock on top had a beautiful head of GSP going strong. I hope it's not dead and will come out again...

Just mourning all my lost. I already went to my LFS and spoke to the owner. Tomorrow, I will bring a sample of my water and he will test it for me. Also, he will provide me estimates to all of the livestock I've lost...then I will be able to send in my claim to Marineland. I guess I will feel better when I accomplish that.


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