Water Leak Solution?


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
Ok so I finished piping in my sump.

It is a neat and tidy set-up and I will post pics on here later.

There is a 90 degree elbow that is at the last turn before it goes up through the bulkhead.

There seems to be some very small leak at the top side of the elbow connection where the 1inch PVC pipe is glued in.

Overnight there was like a drop or two that had come out. I mean that is a small leak and I know since the water is going up it is extra minimal water loss at that area.

I thought about cutting it and redoing the area but I hate to have to put a sleeve on there to reconnect the new 1inch PVC because that is just 2 more spots a leak can occur.

I slapped some PVC glue around the connection but I didn't shut off the water pump so it was fighting the the water flow all night I suppose and never really sealed it. There was a bubble of water on the lip of the elbow so I can see right where the leak is.

Would you suggest redoing it or turning off the pump and using silicone.

I wanted to remove the return and take the whole pipe out and just redo it but the PVC is glue inside the Bulkhead and I don't know of a safe way to remove the glue so I can keep it all one piece.

Any ideas and I totally understand if this sounds confusing.

To try to simplify it it is just a leaky 90 degree elbow and to keep the joints to a minimum I would have to remove the glue holding the 1inch PVC inside the Bulkhead.
I think I am gonna just replace the Bulk Head with a new one with a new rubber seal like I wanted to back before.

I also have to say that the hole in the return pipe is kind of noisy spraying water against the back of the overflo wall.

My glass tops quiet down a lot but still it is a constant gurgly spray
Silicone doesn't really adhere well to PVC. It might solve the problem for a bit, but it isn't a true fix. It might start leaking again any time.

Just a question did you use primer also or just glue?
Also, when you put the PVC pieces together, did you give them a 90 degree turn? That helps spread the glue around and makes sure you don't miss a small spot.
Yeah I used primer and did a 360. I am on my way to the pet store for new bulkheads and to home depot for.new pipes. Wish I didn't have to glue the pipe n the bulkhead.
Did you try turning off the pump then re priming and then resealing the 90? It might work if there is no water pressure.

Also, if there is room, pick up a union to put between the bulkhead and the 90. That way if there are leaks, you just replace half of the union instead of the bulkhead. I believe the unions are cheaper than bulkheads.
I have a union after the 90 actually right after. I figure I would.put them on both but the are horizontally situated.

I figure if there was a leak it could happen at the union as easily as the 90. I will slap.extra glue in there. I think I may have been trying to avoid a ton of glue in the pipe.

I sucks because the leak was tiny.

I thought taking out the water and all to drain into the sump and trying to redo it but screw it these bulkheads are used so I may as well get fresh seals.

The intake pipe is.huge but reduces down to the one inch bulkhead. Not sure why they didn't just use one inch all the way but I didn't design it.