Water Filters


I'm a girl.
Ok I know everyone recommends an RO/DI system. But I was wondering, I know I saw it in a thread, but I can't seem to find it again, does the PUR 3 stage filter work in a similar manner as an RO/DI, or do you still have to test for things like chorline?
Looks like that filter would not be my first choice. One) it cost $20 for what they say is 100 gal so that would be to fill your tank. It would than need to be replaced every 14 weeks if you do 10% water change weekly, plus your top off water. I have had my ro 9 months now, I filled a 90gal and a 29 gal tank weekly 10% water changes and I top off about a gal/day and we use it for our personal drinking water. My TDS meter still reads 5ppm up from 3ppm the day I bought it. I think long term an RO would cost less, and you know it is "pure water" I paid $140 for mine from menards.
The PUR 3 looks like it is just a charcoal filter. Though better than straight tap water, no where near as good as RO/DI. Plus like stated above, the cost, though it seems inexpensive, adds up quickly.
Just to add to the conversation, what about using distilled water?
You can use distilled water, a lot of people do. But, it will become extremely expensive over time. Over time, you'll actually save more money buying an RO/DI unit up front especially if you have a larger tank.
Just to add to the conversation, what about using distilled water?

You can use distilled water, a lot of people do. But, it will become extremely expensive over time. Over time, you'll actually save more money buying an RO/DI unit up front especially if you have a larger tank.

Yeah, a good RODI unit will cost you about $150. Distilled water is 80 cents a gallon at Walmart. You'll go through $150 in water pretty quickly in this hobby if you have a medium to large sized tank.
Different way to get the same result.

Distilled water is condensed steam. Since steam doesnt hold any impurities, the result is pure water.

RO/DI water forces water through a membrane that doesnt let impurities thorugh. The result is pure water
Ok I was wondering which of the below test kits are better. Right now I'm putting together a spreadsheet with different products and prices from different locations. Over on nano-reef, yes I'm reading that one as well, one individual said that the Red Sea Reef Master Lab Test Kit was junk. These are the ones I'm currently looking at. I'm just wondering which is actually the better kit.

Red Sea Reef Master Lab Test Kit
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Reef Master Liquid Test Kit