Water Changes?


Reefing newb
Ok so, some backstory:

We have a 55g tank with LR, a few corals, and two clownfish. Generally did a 10% or so water change once a week since the tank has been up.

We had to go out of state for work from March 24th until April 11th, and are looking at the possibility of staying another week but we're unsure whether or not our tank can handle it.

We did a large water change (about 30%) before we left, and we have my boyfriend's parents feeding the fish while we're away (once every day), water top offs (with purified water), and the lights are on a timer.

If we stay the extra week, will our tank be alright going without a water change for almost a month? Should we try to instruct his parents on how to do a water change over the phone? Should we just come home?

I don't think his parents have any sort of aquarium experience except maybe some small freshwater tanks. And the difference in care between fresh and saltwater is obviously huge.

If it weren't for the tank, we would definitely stay the extra week, but as it is we're already antsy being away from them for so long. I miss my fish! haha.

Has anyone had a similar experience with going away for vacation or business and leaving their tanks to their own devices or in the care of friends/relatives with no saltwater experience?
I'm pretty new to this hobby as well, but have you contacted your LFS to see if they offer in-home service?
I live in Canada, and my LFS has a service where they will come in and do set ups, as well as routine maintenance & testing. It might be worth checking into!

Good luck!
Is there a business around your home that can come do it for you? Just have his parents open the door and stay while they're there for a minute.

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Your tank will be fine -- you may have some algae problems when you get back, but I think that's better than trying to teach someone over the phone how to do their first water change ever! If you really want them to do a water change, instead of having them mix up water, making sure it's at the right salinity, etc. have them go to Petsmart or Petco and buy a box of that pre-made saltwater. It's super expensive, but they'll only have to do it once and at least you can be rest assured that the water is mixed up okay. Then have them remove some, and replace it with the new saltwater. Keep it simple, and they should be okay.
I think I can deal with battling the algae when we get back. I just didn't want my fish to not be healthy and happy because of nitrate levels and such. We were in the middle of the algae bloom when we left too >_< So we'll have a nice forest to come back to.

I swear, I'm never leaving my fish again.
Not recommended, but I went almost 1.5 months between a WC a few weeks back...little extra algae was the only difference.
Some do it even less then that. I remember about a year ago asking how often people did water changes and you wouldnt beleave the diffrent responses i got or the arguments it started.:frustrat: But to answer your question you should be just fine:Cheers:
Well this job is paying FOR the tank so it's a lose-lose situation. :(

If we stay, we wont get to see the fish; if we leave, we wont get NEW fish. >_>

And I've got plans for a Foxface when we get back...
Well we're back. And boy you guys were not kidding about the algae. After being away for so long, I thought the tank would be a sight for sore eyes. Got in last night around 5am and the tank looks terrible. I don't even know where to start! Well I suppose that's not entirely true. Lights out, I assume. But for how long? What else?

Obviously a large water change, suck as much cyano as possible out with a turkey baster, lights out for a few days, and cut back on feeding. Will all that do the trick? Anything else we should try? The cyano and what I assume are dinos are what I'm unsure about.

On the plus side, our mushrooms are getting huge and look happy, the palys are as well, and our pod population is BOOMING. There weren't nearly this many when we left. Also found a bunch of bristle worms in one of the rocks. Never even saw them before. Now there's a ton.

Couple pics of the aftermath as well.


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That stuff on the lower left could be an issue. Maybe Yote can id it. I'm not sure if that's Dinos or not. I've peronally never had Dinos so hard to make an ID. Otherwise your on top of it.
I'm pretty sure it is Dinos. One of the only things I was really unsure about how to tackle. That and the cyano.
Your cyano doesn't look too bad. Just syphon out as much as possible and do some water changes. Stay away from the "red slime remover". If you were to use that stuff and it comes backs it can be resistant to that stuff and cause water quality issues.
There is a thread the great algae genocide war. It outlines alot of stuff with Dinos. Takes awhile to read through but it is interesting. Also makes me very greatful I have not gotten them. Good luck on the battle.
I travel a lot and have thought about this issue. Do a water change about 3 or 4 days before you leave and then do NOT tinker with the tank at all. See if it will run okay while you are still home.

The one thing you need if you will be away is an ATO. Its much easier for your unknowing care-taker to fill a reservoir than to try to add water without changing salinity to much.