Water changes for a 20g

Well im putting water in my (mantis) tank tomorrow. I have the substrate and planned on taking one or two pieces of LR out my reef tank and putting it in right away.

How often should i do water changes on it and how much water? Still a noob here and i only do 5 gallon WC once a month on my 46g. I was thinking like 2-3 gallons every 2 weeks? The only corals will be mushrooms and zoo's as the lighting isnt that strong. (48w).

Thanks in advance

Depends on what your water is testing, if you monitor it closely you may not have to do them so often or if you notice the params are fluxing a lot you would need to do them more obviously etc. I would most likely do a 2g a week or 4g every two weeks so that you are doing 10% weekly that should help keep the water stable.
I do a 50% once a month on my 20G and it hs worked out fine. With 50% changes though you must take care to match the temp, salinity and Ph precisely.