Watchman Goby and Hermit Crabs


Reefing newb
Why does my blue spotted watchman goby randomly grab hermit crabs sometimes and put them back in his little cave/territory?
Some gobies will use any debris in the tank, bits of shell, dead corals, live hermits, whatever, to reinforce the walls of his home and to help prevent the sand from washing back into his house.
Mine usually carries them a little further away from his home. He's very protective, even when the much bigger wrasses come by to pick up pellets that are in his vacinity. Then they call him on his tactics and he retreats back to his hole.
My goby is the opposite. He only uses sand to build his house. But if any little critter comes within 3 inches of his home, it picks them up and throws them. It's pretty funny.
They're amusing fish to watch. I've only had mine for a few days, and my sand is bright white again, but watching him carry shells and sand around is too funny.