update on water test


love my reef
Well I went to the LFS and pick up some phos. sponge and P04 is normal today :^:

I'm doing a 5 gal a day water change with RO water also from the LFS to try and lower my cal. levels it wst 31 drops b/4 color change yesterday, on the test today it was 29 drops cal levels are still well above the 400-500 mark for testing but it was only my first water change.
did my 2nd today and I will test again in the morning..

I also too out my Purple Condylactis Anemone and put it in my hospital tank :sniffles: it has been shrinking and hiding in dark places, try'd to feed it and it would not touch anything? But it looks better today so we will see what it will do. I also gave it a partial water change..
I really don't care for the Calcium drop test. They aren't really that accurate because the drops aren't all the same size. I would go get a better Calcium test. I have both types and the drop test is always way higher then the more expensive one. Your calcium is high but not really to bad. I keep mine between 380-450. How are your other paremeters?
As long as your calcium aint falling out,it should bother anything.Once your get coralline growing,its going to eat up some the excess.
I actually try to keep it close to 500,but its become a struggle to keep it at 400.
And like Piggy said,those dropper kits aint that accurate.
what other kind of cal. test is there and where do you buy it??

by paremeters do you mean all the water test that I did?

ammonia 0
PH 8.2
no3 20
no2 .25
KH 16 drops off the chart (8-12 drops to get a KH of 143-214)
cal 31 drops way off the chart (20-25 drops to get a range of 400-500 ppm)
What kind of lighting do you have for your Nem? They need close to 8wpg I beleive Ill be corrected if I am mistaken.
SeaChem makes a decent kit,so does Salfert and LeMotte.But there pricey.The SeaChem kit runs right around 30 bucks.
I put it in a small 10 gal but I have 15wts for lighting it does look alot better as the day goes by.. if it look better in the morning I'll try and feed it again to see if it will take anything
Lamotte makes a nice test kit, you can get them at premiumaquatics.com, they are more expensive than others, but accurate testing is a good way to know whats going on in your tank. If your testing, but the results are inaccurate it doesn't help you any and sometimes the actions you take based on the test kits can be more harmful than of you did nothing at all.
A calcium test shouldn't really be necessary for you at this point. If you do regular water changes, your calcium levels should stay adequate, and from what I've read of you, you don't have any stoney corals in your tank.

That lighting (1.5 watts per gallon) is not sufficient for the anemone. It will live in that little tank for the time being, but I'd get it back to more light ASAP. Keep feeding it, as it will not be able to get its food from that light.

Out of all the test kits, I'd recommend Salifert. It's pricey, but I only buy Salifert for the most important parameters in my tank. The rest of my test kits are either Aquarium Pharmaceuticals or Red Sea brand.
Salifert had a couple problems and had to recall some kits, so they lost some business. In general they are a good company, but I prefer Lamotte simply because they are more accurate.