Update on Tank


Reef enthusiast
Not really sure when I added the clean up crew but everything is still alive. I just added some sand shifting snails because it looks like there is yuk under it. I love my shrimp and I'm going to add a few more. They aren't as shy they come out when I walk near the tank. All my readings are great. I got my nitrates down. The only thing I'm not sure of is the live rock. How do you know if it's alive? I really haven't seen any changes in it except green algea. Once it's in the tank do you ever need to take it out to clean off the sand that gets on it from the clean up crew crawling all over it? My next purchase is a RO unit. Do you need to areate the water that you add everyday? After reading some of the other threads I was wondering.
You dont need to areate your top off water, an RO unit is a great investment (I dont know from experence but I will soon). How long has your tank been up? How long ago did you add the live rock? Was it cured when you bought it? There is really no way to tell if your rock is alive. You can look at it during the night and see all the critters crawling around on it. You can also look for things like featherdusters and sponges during the day. You should never have to pull out your rock and clean it unless you have a severe algae problem. If the sand on your rock bothers you can remove your powerhead and blow off the messy areas.
Like Hawks said, you can blow off the rocks using a powerhead, or you can buy a turkey baster at the grocery store for a couple bucks and do it that way too, it's more gentle than using a powerhead.
Not really sure when I added the rock but it's been at least a couple of months. Yes it was cured part of it anyway. I slept since then. lol What do I look for? I have a few spots of purple growing on my walls do I need to scrape that off? or is that good stuff.
Do I need a special light to use at night? I have moon lights already.
that purple stuff is coraline...its a algae that is beneficial to the tank...you can let the back walls to be covered by it...at nigth..moonligths are ok..you can see the nocturnal creatures crawling all over...ligths can be blue, red ,white wathever you preffer..
Yep purple = coralline which is what we all strive for.
To see your night shift critters,Use a small flashlight with red a red lense or even better one thats got either a red,green,or blue LED bulb.
Even night vision goggles works great.
Aerating top off water isn't necessary.Its a good idea to aerate the saltwater for water changes though.If the rocks been in your tank for two months,its alive.It has part of the stuff that makes it alive,the living bacteria.Like Rigo,the purple is prolly coralline,if its on the front glass then you can go ahead and scrape it off.I let it grow freely on the back glass though.
Ok Got it purple is good scrape off front glass, leave on back wall. Need to get a red light of some sort so I can see creatures. Thanks everyone. You was a great help.